In Trouble Dean x Demon!Reader

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As requested by Average_Writer_

Song: Hold Me Down by Halsey

Your POV

I'm a demon. I don't have to be blunt about it. My father told me I shouldn't be ashamed of my true identity. My father is Lucifer, the devil. Now I'm out exploring the world. He'll never find out.

Now I'm just walking down some ordinary street in Illinois. I let the wind guide me. I'm just happy to be out of hell, literally. My father wants me to be the queen of hell, if he goes away one day. But I don't want to torture souls for a living.

People run around, like ants going back and forth. My (H/C) hair blows through the wind getting in my face. I push it away to see two people across the street, looking at me. Not just two people, Sam and Dean Winchester....I think.

If its them, then they'll know who I am.....I think. Well if I know what two of them look like, then they would probably recognize the offspring of Satan. Well there's only one way to find out.

I start walking and don't look back. Eventually I come to alley and walk in it. Once I come to a dead end I hear a couple sets of footsteps. So it was them. I use my demonic skills to my advantage and teleport behind the two people. Sure enough its the two people from before.

"Well, well, well Sam and Dean Winchester." I say. The turn around and look at me. Dean on instinct tries to hit me, but I teleport behind him once again. "Tisk,tisk I'm one step ahead of you Dean."

He turns around once again, not trying to hit me. "Why did you follow me?" I ask. "Your the daughter of Lucifer, your kinda noticeable." Dean tells me. I laugh "Does that mean you see something you like Dean?"

He looks at me funny. "No, not real- No." He stammers. I laugh again "You boys need something?" Sam looks at me "No, actually you need us." I raise an eyebrow "Excuse me?"

Sam turns around and points at a person sitting on bench reading a newspaper. "He's been tailing you around town, we think he might be a demon spy." I scoff and look closer at him. I see clearly through the meat suit and see a demon.

"Shit." I mutter. Dean laughs "So princess, you can either go back to hell, or you can come with us." I look at him with question in my eyes. "Why are you making this deal with me?" Dean shrugs, "I don't we want to be on Lucifer's bad side by killing you."

Dean's POV

That's one of the reasons I wanted her to come with us, the other reason is because she tried to save me from hell.

Alastair started to break my ribs, and the pain was like snakes venom that would never go away. It has been probably 28 years since I came here. I hope Sam is okay.

"Now Dean I will offer you once again," He said "to take you off the rack, if you pick up the knife." He smirked. I spit "Go to heaven." He wiped his forehead "Until tomorrow." He walked away.

I tilted back my head. This really was hell. "Dean? Where are you?" I heard a woman's voice. How did she know my name? A woman came into view. "Dean! We don't have much time." She whisper/yelled. '" I stutter out. "I'm (Y/N), daughter of Lucifer, and princess of hell." I laugh "No really, who are you." She gives me that 'Seriously dude?' look.

She starts to untie me when someone else comes to view. "(Y/N), what are you doing?" Another girl. "Lilith, I believe what we are doing is wrong, and I'm standing up for it." I grit my teeth at the name.

Lilith sneers "I hold his contract not you, now go back your father!" (Y/N) gives me a 'I'm sorry look' and walks to Lilith "Bitch, you got no say in what I do!" She yells at Lilith. She just smirks at (Y/N). "Shut the hell up you offspring."

(Y/N) just shakes her head and walks out. My only chance of being saved just left the building.

Your POV
A week later

Now I'm sitting in probably the shittiest motel in the town. With Sam and Dean.

"I'm probably under the radar now, let me go." I say. Dean sitting by Sam at the table, looks at me "Tomorrow." I jump of the bed "Really?" He nods and goes back on his phone. Yes!

I jump onto the couch and lie down. I can go explore tomorrow! I close my eyes and proceed to sleep.


My eyes flutter open. I look at the clock on the nightstand in between Sam and Deans bed. '4:57 A.M.' I collapse back on the bed and close my eyes. It's too early. I feel something on my ankles and look and my feet. Too late.

Something pulls me and I scream "DEAN! SAM!" They fly out of their beds and Dean already has a shotgun in hand. He shoots at the silhouette and it drops me.

I gasp and look at Dean. He has a look of guilt on his face. "You knew?" I ask him. He looks away from me. That jerk. He knew the demon would come for me. I grab the nearest thing to me, which was a plastic cup and chuck of at his head. "You knew!" I yell at him.

He rubs the back of his head where I hit him. "We needed to kill it." I scoff "So that means almost killing me? What ever happened to devil traps?" He bites his lip. Fuck, he couldn't put it because of me.

I close my eyes and sit back of the couch. "Well there's (Y/N)." I look at the voice, coming from behind Sam. A silhouette has a knife to Sam's throat. "Come with me (Y/N) and I'll let you friends go." I gulp.

Dean speaks up "Its her life, let her stay if she wants." The demon shakes his head, not loosening his grip on Sam. "She's the heir to the throne of hell, she is safe with her own kind." I bite my lip. He's right, I'm safer there.

"If I go back, can you guarantee their safety?" The demon nods. I walk forward. "Then take me back." He let's go of Sam and grabs me.

"Wait." Dean says. I look at him. "Let me say goodbye." He walks over to me, puts his hands on my shoulders, and smashes his lips into mine. I kiss back.

When the kiss is finished tears start falling onto my face. "I'm sorry Dean." Then demon takes me and drags me into hell, leaving Sam and Dean alone.

I was dragged back to hell because the devil couldn't let me go, he had to hold me down.

I know its not exactly what you wanted Average_Writer_ but I thought it would be kinda cool like this. Any feedback? Requests? BYEEEEE SQUISHIES!!!

-Squishy Queen

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