You Missed Dean x Reader

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Requested by HoebagEvans

Song: Dream- Imagine Dragons


I rub my hands off on the rag that I kept on my desk. I own a small garage in a small town. My garage is the only one in town so business is pretty good. I have three employees, Jim, Steven, and Riley. They are all men who don't mind working for a woman.

Before all of this I was someone completely different. I was a reckless woman who wasn't scared of anything. Now I know better. That thing in your closet may not be just your imagination. I have seen sorrows that you can't imagine.

I hunted those things, but those days are behind me.

I changed my last name, and almost everything about me. The only reminder I have of those days is my anti-possession tattoo on my shoulder.

I wanted out of the life for as long as I can remember, now that I have it, it all feels like a dream.

Now back to the present.

I lock the door and pull out my keys from my pockets. I get into my car and drive to my small one floor house that is not too far from the garage.


I set down my keys and take off my jacket. I turn on the light and to my horror, my house is trashed. I tip toe to my dining table and grab my pistol from underneath it.

I step around my broken glasses and flick on the bathroom light. I aim my pistol and prepare for the worst. Something is written on my mirror with a dark liquid.

I walk in closer and see what it says.

'I am coming for you.'

Who the hell could've written that? No, I can't be put back into this life.

I guess I have no choice.


When I started getting ready in the morning I felt a little at peace. All these days of being scared and trying to hide have finally caught up with me. Now, I feel like I can protect myself and I feel strong.

I put on my jacket and grab my keys. I walk outside and a young girl stands outside. She has small blonde pigtails and a big smile one her face. She skips along and my eyes follow her. She skips to the corner gas station and looks back at me.

I look away for a few moments then look back at her. She is gone.

I open my gar door and turn the key into the ignition. My gas light turns on and I groan. I drive to the gas station and get out. I put my credit card into the pump then pump the gas into my car.

A black car pulls up beside me and I don't really take notice of it.

"What do we do, we don't have any parts, we don't have any tools, we can't fix her." One of the men behind me say.

"Well do you have a pool of money hidden somewhere Sam? Plus we are not giving up on baby!" One of the other men say.

"What other choice do we have Dean?" the man exclaims.

I stop pumping gas and put the pump back. "Hey, I own the garage here, I'd be willing to repair your car." I tell them.

They look over at me and I smile politely. "There is a garage here?" Sam, I think, questions me. "Just because it's a small town doesn't mean there isn't necessities round' here." I smirk.

The other man, Dean, looks at me disbelievingly. "Follow me in your car, it's not that far from here."

I grab my credit card from the pump and hop in my car. "Well you coming or not?" I ask the men through my rolled down window.

They get in their car and I turn the ignition in mine. I drive to the garage with the men trailing behind me.

I guess I'll have to start this hunt later.

I drive to the garage and Jim is inside working on a ford escape we received three days ago. "Is it almost done Jim?" I ask him.

He turns down the radio. "Yep, just finishing up then I'm calling the owners, I thought you had a day off today." He notes.

"I did, but I found some guys who needed help, and I knew you'd be working on the other cars. Wait, where are Steven and Riley?" I ask Jim.

Sam and Dean walk in behind me. "Just park your car in garage number three." I whisper to them.

"Riley is on vacation and Steven is spending time with his wife." Jim explains to me.

"Okay, thanks Jim, keep working hard." I tell him.

I go into my office change room and change into my work clothes. Then I walk to the garage that Sam and Dean are in.

"Can you pop the hood please?" I ask them.

Dean nods and opens it up so I can see. I look in and as I lean over my sleeves roll up. "So what's your name?" Sam asks.

"It's (Y/n), and you guys don't have to stay here." I tell them.

"What do you do besides fix vehicles?" Dean questions.

"That's really not your business, your transmission is blown, it should just take a few days." I tell him and stand back up.

Then I see that my anti-possession tattoo is out in in the open.

"Shit." I mumble.

I quickly pull my sleeve down but the men don't seem affected by it. I wait for them to say I'm a nutbar or something of those sorts.

"You're a hunter?"

I open my eyes that I didn't realize that were closed. "You know what hunters are?"

They nod then show me their tattoos. "You two are Sam and Dean and Winchester aren't you?" I ask them.

They nod and I look at the car. This is the legendary baby I am working on!

"The legendary baby?" Dean asks me.

"Damn, I said that out loud. Well, I better get to work if I'm going to get this done." I tell them.

"I can stay and help you ." Dean offers.

A few days later

"There ya go boys, thanks for taking care of that demon for me." I gratefully tell them.

Instead of paying me they took care of that pesky demon that was trying to scare me. Dean still gave me a tip.

"Well you did a great job, we still have to stay a few days because we still have business." Dean tells me.

I smile and look at the car. Sam was going to be here in a few minutes because he was getting food for himself and Dean.

I look at Dean and he is still looking at his car. I kiss him on the cheek and it takes him by surprise. "You missed." He tells me.

"What?" I ask him.

He leans in and puts his hand behind my head. He moves in closer and we share a tender kiss.

"You missed." He tells me when we break apart.

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