Restless Nights Dean X Reader

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I've been a really depressing mood lately, so here's a happy/sad imagine. Read the Authors Note at the bottom please.

(N/n)= Nickname

Song: My Immortal- Evanescence

The door is pulled open and the snarls and barks of the hell hounds fill the room.

"No!" You yell.

The invisible dogs rush over to Dean and pounce on his chest. Everything stops for a moment. "I love you (Y/n)." You hear him whisper.

Then everything starts to play again.

The hell hounds tear through his shirt only to reach his bare chest. "DEAN!" You scream.

He howls out in pain as the hounds tear into his flesh and blood spurts around you.

"PLEASE GOD!" Sam yells. You look away and scream and cry. Then you and Sam are released to the ground.

Then a bright light consumes your vision.


You shoot up in your bed. You look around and see the furniture in your apartment. You sigh and flop back down.

You turn to you left and see your alarm clock. '5:17'.

You groan and sit back up in your plush bed. You've been having that dream ever since your boyfriend died a year ago.

After about a month and a half you just couldn't stand being at Bobby's anymore. There was just too much to remind you of him.

There was just too much that time could not erase.

Now you live in a small town where nothing really happens. You also quit the hunting business.

You haven't talked to Bobby in about three months and Sam hasn't bothered to make an effort to contact you.

Frankly, you didn't give a damn.

You stood up and walked into your bathroom. You grabbed your brush and combed through your (H/l) (H/c) that went astray while you slept.

You walk out of your bathroom and back into your bedroom. You go into your wardrobe and pull out blue jeans, (F/c) t-shirt, and white socks.

(Have you ever noticed when characters pull out clothes, they almost never pull out socks?)

You quickly throw on your clothes and throw your hair into your favourite style.

You walk to the doorway and slip on your tennis shoes. You open the door and see it's kind of spitting outside. (Lightly raining)

You grab your car keys from the hook beside your door and walk out to your car. You unlock it and sit in the drivers seat.

You put the key into the ignition of your black Ford Escape. It's engine rumble to life and you drive off to the restaurant that you work at.

You lift the apron over your head and let it drop onto your shoulders. You were a waitress at 'Ed's Diner'.

It wasn't much but at least you were getting paid.

You grab your notepad and the pen that sits beside it. You hear the bell jingle from the door meaning someone came in.

You open the door and walk into the dining area. You see a fairly long haired man sitting at a booth.

You put on a fake smile and walk over to him. You look down at you paper ready to mark anything down.

"Welcome to 'Ed's Diner', what would you like to drink?" You ask the man.

"I'll have- wait a minute, (Y/n)?" he asks you.

You look up without lift your head and see the man. Then you lift your head and your jaw drops.

"Sammy?" You ask him.

He nods and stands up. He engulfs you in a hug and small tears escape your eyes.

"I missed you Sammy." You mutter into his chest.

"I missed you too (N/n)." He tells you.

He releases you from the hug and you smile with teeth.

Sam sits back down and takes a deep breath. "I'll just a water for now." You nod and write it down on your notepad.

You walk into the back kitchen area and see Ed setting up all the cooking equipment.

"Who's that out there?" He asks you.

"Ah, just an friend I used to work with." You tell him.

He nods and goes back to doing his own thing. You grab a cup and fill it up with water.

You walk back out to the dining area and see Sam.

But he's not alone.

You walk closer and freeze in you spot.

"(Y/n)." He whispers.

You feel dizzy and fall to the ground; the cup shatters beside your head.


You screamed at the sight in front of you. Your best friend had black smoke propel itself into her body.

She smirked at you with an evil glare and walked closer to you. Her eyes shined black.

She grabbed a sharp butcher knife from the block on the counter and slowly walked towards you.

You kept walking backwards until you hit the wall. You screamed once again as she raised the knife above her head.

The door burst open and you both snapped your head to it. Two men stood there and started chanting something in a foreign language.

(B/f/n) mouth shoots open and the black smoke exits her body. She falls to the ground and you slide down the wall crying.

You covered your mouth to shield your screams.

The shorter man came up to you and crouched down to eye level. "Hey, hey it's okay." He told you.

You shook your head vigorously. "My best friend just tried to fucking kill me." You cried.

He sits down next to you and wipes away your tears. "It's okay, you're okay." He whispered.


When you'd cry he'd always be the one to wipe away your tears.

When you were scare he'd fight away every single one of your fears just to get you smiling again.

Your vision started closing in and you saw Sam and Ed by you. "(Y/n)?" You heard Sam ask.

You nod and begin to sit up. Sam slowly pushes you back down. "You can't be up, you might have a concussion."

You shake your head and sit up without their help.

Then you see him leaning against the wall.

You stand up and walk over to Dean.

"How the hell are you back?" You croak.

He shrugs and you walk right up to him. "I've had restless nights, dreaming about you dying. You died r-right in fro-nt of m-me."

You begin to cry and he wipes away your tears. You engulf him in a hug and inhale his scent.

"I love you (Y/n)." You hear him whisper.

"I love you too Dean."

Hey Squishies, as I said before I've been really sad lately. My grandma has been sick lately and two days ago it got bad. From the hips down she is very swollen and can barely get out of bed, we might have to take her to the hospital soon. I hope she gets better soon.

Seeya later and hope you like this imagine.

-Squishy Queen

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