Team Free Will x Supernatural!Reader

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Song: Monster -Skillet

You tap my fingers against the base of my skull. The voices were getting louder because they haven't fed yet.

The rain soaked through the bricks and started soak through the back of your sweater.

The only shelter you had at the moment was this old garage that was falling apart. It had electricity but right now all you had is one light.

You clothes were a little ragged but that could be changed in a snap.

Then you start to smell sulphur. "No! Stay away! I can't do this anymore, please!" You scream.

You saw the dark smoke coming towards you and you screamed. Before you could get away the smoke jammed itself down your throat.


You woke up in a nice apartment. You sat up in the white sheets and looked around.

This apartment isn't yours.

You get off of the white sheets and stand up on the beige carpet floor. You look around and see very fancy paintings on the walls. You continue to walk around when you fell something warm and sticky on the floor.

You look down in horror.

Blood sticks to your bare feet.

You shout out in horror and run straight to the nearest room and lock the door. The blood that is stuck to your feet stains the carpet. You cry and run your hands through you hair. There is some weird ass shit goin on and you are going to figure it out.

Aww honey, you ain't see the worst of my powers yet.

You look around and slow your breath. The entity that has been possessing you for the past few months is back. You had a pretty good life before all this and you wanted is all back. You had a significant other and a freaking hamster named Potato.

That all was thrown away when this entity found you. See the perks of being possessed by it is that you could hear what it was thinking while it was in your mind. All it wanted was to take people and take away their lives just like the ones they used to have.

Now that is not true (Y/n), all I want is to make you life more exciting, don't you love the adrenaline rush you get from all of this? It's so much more fun than that boring desk clerk job you had. Your spouse was so boring, all they would talk about is how boring their job was on and on.

Hush up you!

You opened the door slowly and saw a man in a white shirt and black pants lying on the ground. That's where the blood was coming from.

You slowly walked out od the room and your feet stuck to the floor as you walked towards the man. He had a few stab wounds in his chest. Then you saw his phone lying next his head.

The call to 911 was still going, and it had only been going for twenty minutes.

You're welcome (Y/n)

You gasp in horror and take deep breaths. This doesn't look great for you. All the blood on you combined with you being with the body, this isn't going to end well.

Fuck you demon, this is not going to be good for you.

Then the door opens.

Three men stand there and they look quite familiar. One is tall and had long hair, one is wearing a leather jacket and has short hair, the other is shorter and has a trench coat.

"Are you guys the police?" You ask them.

"Far from it sweetheart, we are hear to help you with your demon problem." The leather jacket guy says.

"How do you know about that?" You question with confusion.

"We deal with this kind of stuff, my name is Sam, this is Cas and Dean." Sam tells you.

"Get me out of here before the police show up." You demand.


They got you out of the building just as the police were turning the corner, they put you in their car and answered the police's questions.

They got you to a motel room and asked you questions about the demon. They said a weird speech in Latin or in some foreign language like that. The demon was gone but you felt sick as hell afterwards.

"I have nowhere go." You whimpered after lying in bed for a bit.

"No friends or family?" Cas asks.

You shake your head. "I'm not close with my friends and that demon took everything I had." You grimace.

"Well just stay with us until you can figure it out okay....what's your name?" Sam asks.

"It's (Y/n)." You tell him with a small smile.

Hey  dudes and dudettes! My squishies! Do you like first person (I, me) or second person (You, your) better? Please vote and comment!

-Squishy Queen

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