Chapter 22 My Dream Came True (Nessie's P.O.V.)

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I wake up to bright sunshine filling the room. Was I dreaming or... No, it wasn't a dream! Well, actually, it used to be a dream... It came true yesterday.

I look at my right hand, admiring the engagement ring shining brightly. It's so beautiful... Do I really  deserve Logan's love?

"Hey, Nessie," Dinah says, forcing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Let's get up, it's late already."

"What time is it? Oh, 9:30..." I sit up, yawning a little.

"Yesterday was awesome, wasn't it?" Dinah smiles. "I'm happy you and Logan are together. You finally found what you've been waiting for so long."

"And what about you and James?" I ask, changing the topic.

"Oh..." Dinah blushes. "Well, yesterday he asked me out..."

"Congrats!" I exclaim, hugging her tightly. "I'm so happy for you two!"

"Okay, let's hurry up. I think everyone's waiting for us..." Dinah smiles.


When we get downstairs, everyone except Logan is sitting at the table.

"How was yesterday?" Pam smiles knowingly. "We heard you made someone extremely happy then, Nessie."

"It was amazing!" I reply. "And someone made me extremely happy, too."

"Welcome to the Henderson family, Nessie!" Jeff stands up and hugs me.

"We're all so happy for you two!" Pam's embrace is unbelievably tight.

"I hope you'll be happy with my big bro," Presley squeezes me.

"I promise she will," I hear Logan say. "I'll do everything to make her smile. And James will do the same for another pretty girl out there..." he hugs Dinah.

My friend blushes.

"James asked me out yesterday," she explains, smiling widely.

"Congratulations!" everyone cheers and squeezes Dinah.

Then we finally sit down and have breakfast together.


Time flies smoothly and there we are sitting at the table again, finishing our dinner.

"Come on, girls," Logan stands up. "The guys are gonna be here soon. We wanna show you something."

We hear a loud knock on the front door.

"I'll get it!" Logan runs and open the door.

"Are you ready?" the guys say in unison.

"Yes, sure!" Dinah and I reply.

"Off we go!" Logan commands, smiling.

We get into his car and Logan drives off, following James' vehicle.


After a quite long ride the guys stop their cars.

"Where are we?" Dinah asks as she gets out of the car.

"Welcome to the Runyon Canyon Park," Carlos says. "It's a perfect place to hang out with friends... as well as with their pretty girlfriends and fiancées."

"So you all know..." I smile, while Dinah blushes.

"Of course! Congrats!" the guys hug us. "Come on, let's chill out in the park."

"Let's choose the route first," Logan suggests, entwining his fingers  with mine. "Runyon Canyon Road, Star Trail or Hero Trail? It's your choice, girls."

"Runyon Canyon Road," Dinah and I reply in unison.

"Okay, let's go," James says, smiling, as he takes Dinah's hand in his.

We walk slowly, talking and admiring the breathtaking views of LA.

"Look," Logan says, pointing to the Hollywood sign. "One day you'll become one of the top movie directors there, Nessie. I believe your dream's gonna come true."

I smile, looking in Logan's eyes.

"My dream came true," I whisper, pulling him in for a kiss. ".Your love is all I need, my sweet Logie."

Logan smiles, making my heart melt.

"Our dream came true, Sweetheart," he whispers. "You're my everything, Nessie. Love you so much."

"Love you, too," I whisper as Logan pulls me in for one more, passionate kiss.

My Life with Logan Henderson 1 - Love Me, Love MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt