Chapter 15 You're My Hero (Nessie's P.O.V.)

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Logan and I move slowly towards the exit as Carlos, Kendall and James make way for us. Dinah follows behind us.

As we are out, I assist Logan till we get to his car.

"Okay, guys," Dinah says, looking at the car's dashing board. "Now, who apart from Logan can cope with this flashy vehicle?"

"I can, I guess," James replies. "My car's similar."

Logan pulls the car keys and hands them to James.

"Ok, Carlos and Kendall, you get in your car and drive ahead of us. When you arrive at the hospital, bring a wheelchair for Logan," my friend orders, seeming to be in her element. She opens the front passenger door. "Nessie, help Logan get in."

I do as Dinah told me. Then we all get in as well and James starts the car.


James finally parks the car in front of the hospital. Carlos runs in our direction, pushing a wheelchair.

We all get out of the car. I rush to the front passenger door and help Logan take a seat in the wheelchair. Then we all head towards the entrance.

The receptionist quickly directs us to one of the doctors. As Logan is taken to his cabinet for an examination, we sit in the waiting room. I break the silence.

"Don't you think we should inform Logan's parents?" I suggest shyly.

"Nah," Carlos criticizes my idea. "They would panic. You don't want them to make Logan feel uneasy, right? We'd better wait for the diagnosis first. Then we'll call Logan's parents."

The cabinet's door opens.

"Your friend needs to have an X-ray. I'll let you know as soon as I get the results," the doctor says.

We nod our heads as Logan is taken to another room.

It seems that the X-ray takes forever. Finally, the doctor comes out with Logan. We're told that we still have to wait for the results. The doctor then goes back to his cabinet, leaving Logan with us.

"Thank you, guys," Logan smiles weakly. "I'm lucky to have such friends like you. And I mean ALL of you," he winks at me and Dinah.

"You're welcome, Loges," the boys say in unison.

"We'll always be there for you, bud," James adds.

A period of silence occurs and it lasts until the cabinet's door opens once again.

"You're lucky, Mr Henderson," the doctor says. "The injury is minor, just a first-degree sprain. Cast isn't necessary. Stay at home and let your ankle rest for the next three days. Remember to elevate your leg. You can apply ice packs if necessary, for ten to twenty minutes, three times a day. I recommend minimizing physical activity as much as possible, but whenever you need to move around, use crutches. You can lend them here," the doctor indicates the right door. "That's all, you can go now."

Sighs of relief escape our mouths. Logan, however, doesn't seem to be cheered up.

"Looks like I'm stuck at home for a while," he sighs again, looking down.

"Loges, don't worry," the guys say. "We can take a break from rehearsing, you know. Health's more important."

"Ok... I guess I could use a short break," Logan replies, his voice is shaky.

"Hey, come on!" Dinah exclaims. "You'll be ok soon, you'll see."

We lend a pair of crutches for Logan.

"Ok,  anyone of you walked on crutches before?" he asks, taking them from Dinah.

"Yeah," I say. "It's not rocket science, I'll show you," I smile, positioning the crutches in his hands.

I assist Logan while he gets up slowly and I help him get steady.

"Lean forward slightly," I tell him. "Ok, now put your crutches in front of you and move your left leg forwards, but shift your weight to the crutches... yes, like this, and join your right leg. Well done, Logan! Now you only have to repeat this sequence."

I see a satisfied smile forming on his face. Dinah and the boys smile, too.

"Nessie, I think we should open our own rehabilitation center," Dinah says.

"Sorry, Dinah, I still want to become a movie director," I reply.

Suddenly, Logan wobbles. Luckily enough, I catch him before he falls and I get him stable again.

"Woah!" Logan exclaims, blushing. " This was so close..."

"It's okay, Logan," I say. "You're doing very well."

He blushes again, repeating the sequence of moves. With every step he takes, his confidence increases visibly.

We finally reach Logan's car. I help him get in again and then take the crutches from him. Dinah, James and I get in as well. Carlos and Kendall get into Carlos' car.

"Ok, let's go to my place," Logan says.


As we arrive at Logan's house, Pam and Jeff rush towards us.

"How are you, honey?" Pam asks her son. "Carlos phoned us when you were getting the crutches."

"I'm fine, mum," Logan smiles as I help him get out of the car. "My best friends took care of me."

"Oh, I see. Thank you very much, boys and girls," Pam replies.

We watch the guys drive away.

"We're very proud of you, son," Jeff says once we're inside. "You acted like a real gentleman, saving Nessie from that nasty guy."

"Nah, I didn't," Logan says, looking down. "It was the guys who rescued Nessie, not me. They are the heroes."

"Not at all," I say, looking Logan in the eyes. "You tried to rescue me before they approached. You risked your health to save me... Logan, you are my hero."

He smiles, blushing.

"Yeah, Nessie's right," Dinah says. "Thanks for saving my best friend, Logan."

He looks down, blushing even more.

"You're welcome, girls," he replies quietly.

The rest of the evening runs smoothly. Presley got invited to her friend's house in Beverly Hills and she's gonna come back on Friday. She doesn't know about Logan's accident. Pam decided she doesn't need to know about it right now.

As we finish supper, I help Logan get upstairs. His hands start shaking as he climbs higher and higher, but he doesn't give up.

"You're doing really well," I say the moment we reach his room.

"That's because I have the best teacher of all," Logan says, smiling. "Goodnight, Nessie."

I blush at his gentle words.

"Goodnight, my hero."

My Life with Logan Henderson 1 - Love Me, Love MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin