Chapter 21 Love Me, Love Me (Logan's P.O.V.)

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"Logie, are you sure you don't need any help?" I hear Nessie's voice as I approach the stairs.

I can't believe how fast time flies... It's Saturday already. Yesterday I could finally start walking without crutches. After taking a few wobbly steps, I realized my condition nearly got back to normal.

"Yes, Sweetheart, I'm sure," I reply, walking down the stairs. "Thanks for your care anyway."

"You're welcome," Nessie replies right from behind me.

When we enter the dining room, everyone else is already there, presumably waiting for us.

"Hey big bro," Presley greets me, smiling widely. "Would you mind if your girlfriend sits next to me for a change?"

"Hey little sis, why are you asking me and not Nessie?" I raise one eyebrow. "I don't mind. What would you say?" I turn to face Nessie.

"You know I wouldn't want to let your sister down," she smiles, taking a seat next to Pres.

"Hey, what about me?! Do you want to let me down?" I act as if I were offended.

"Sorry, Logie, who said 'I don't mind'?" Nessie chuckles.

I told Presley about my relationship with Nessie yesterday. She spent a few days at her friend's house, so she missed a few things. I was afraid of her reaction, but luckily she was happy to hear the news. She seems to like Nessie and Dinah a lot. Phew! I guess I'm blessed enough to have such a supportive family. Yeah, my parents, just like Dinah, heard the song I played for Nessie that memorable night, so no further explanation was necessary for them.

Last two days - the first days of Nessie and me as a couple - were pretty relaxing. Nessie insisted we don't show each other too much affection with my family and Dinah around, but these few subtle gestures we exchanged made up for our little inconvenience. The touch of Nessie's hand on mine is enough to make my heart beat faster and I can't imagine my life without her by my side. When I look into her eyes, I see she feels uncertain about the future of our relationship. In a week's time she's coming back home... What if we end up separated forever? We have social media, of course, but they can't guarantee our love would last...

I've been thinking about it a lot recently and I decided I should reassure Nessie of how much I love her. I wanna pop a question today. Saturday, August 14th - seems like a perfect day for a proposal as it combines Nessie's birthdate with mine. I feel I'm ready to do this. If not now, then when?

"Okay, who wanna go to the mall?" my mom asks, winking at me knowingly as she promised to help me get some time to arrange everything for my today's proposal.

"Me!" Dinah, Nessie and Presley exclaim.

"Let's go then!" my dad commands.

Nessie loooks at me, slightly confused.

"You're not coming?" she asks me.

"I'm sorry, not this time," I apologize. "James texted me, the guys wanna rehearse right now," I lie.

"Oh, that's okay," she replies, smiling.

"Oh, one more thing," I add. " Dinah and Nessie, make sure you buy yourselves some pretty dresses, we're going out with the guys tonight," I wink at Dinah, who also got involved in my proposal plans.

"Okay, see you soon," they say, leaving the house.

As soon as they leave, I pull out my Iphone to see James is calling.

"Hey James, they left," I say.

"Go out, we'll be near your house in a minute," he responds.

"Okay, see you," I say and end the call.


Three hours later, I'm back home. The guys helped me choose the perfect place for my first date with Nessie. Well, actually, it's gonna be a double date - James and Dinah are coming with us. Yes, James seems to be in love as well... I noticed this during our clubbing night. Let's hope Dinah feels the same way about him.

I also chose Nessie's engagement ring. I think it's the perfect one - gold, with a beautiful, heart-shaped diamond. I can't wait to see it on Nessie's finger.

"We're back!" I hear my mom.

I try to act as if nothing special is gonna happen. Everything goes smoothly until it's time to start getting ready.

As I get to my room, I receive a short text message from my mom. It says: 'Dress in sky blue color, Logie :*'. So that's the color of Nessie's dress...

I choose sky blue pants, a matching suit jacket and a tie. Only my shirt is of a different color - white. I slip the small red box containing the ring into my pocket.

My hands tremble as I walk downstairs. I was barely able to dress up myself.

Once I'm downstairs, I see Nessie, Dinah and James waiting for me. Nessie looks so beautiful in her sky blue dress, flowing gracefully with her every move.

"You're stunning, girls," I finally manage to say. "I guess we can go. Milady," I extend my arm in Nessie's direction.

She locks her arm with mine, smiling shyly.


In the restaurant everything is perfect. It's situated on the rooftop, so we can see the stars twinkling above us. We find our tables and sit down. A waiter takes our orders and our dishes are served in no time. Nessie and I talk about random things, happy to be together. As Dinah and James got a separate table, I've no idea what they are talking about, but they seem to enjoy themselves, too.

Once Nessie and I are done eating, the waiter brings us champagne.

"What's that for?" Nessie asks, surprised.

"That's for a special occasion, Nessie," I say. "Look, I know our relationship is special, like one in a million. I know you're wondering whether it'll last forever or not..."

"Yes, it's true, Logie," she sighs. "I'm afraid you'll forget me as soon as I go back home. I don't wanna our relationship to end like this..."

"Me neither," I sigh, taking her hand in mine. "I know we're young and so on, but I'd like to assure you I love you. And I'd like you to have something that would remind you of myself and that would assure our future, so maybe..." I say in a shaky voice as I stand up, kneel down on one knee in front of Nessie, pulling the red box out of my pocket and opening it. "Marry me?" I whisper silently.

Nessie stands there speechless, so I start to sing.

"Love me, love me, say you're gonna love me
I know you're ready to go
Love me, love me, say you're gonna love me
Don't leave me out on the floor

I'm saying woah
Don't tell me no

Love me love me say you're gonna love me
I'm I'm I'm ready to go

I'm ready to go..."

Nessie smiles in her very own, lovely way. She bends down and pulls me in for a sweet kiss.

"Yes, Logie," she whispers. "I'll marry you, Logan Henderson."

I slip the ring on her finger and stand up to pull her in for one more kiss. Everyone starts cheering loudly as I feel Nessie's warm lips on mine.


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