Chapter 3 I Gotta Find My Way To You...

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The airport in LA is enormous, so it took some time for Dinah and me to figure out the way to the exit. Luckily, we finally are outside with our luggage. I take my hand off of my suitcase and start searching for the address of the house we were supposed to stay at. My mum rented us a room for two weeks. She claimed the house's owners are friendly, so Dinah and I immediately agreed to stay with them.

"So, how far is our accomodation?" Dinah asks.

"Quite close actually," I say as I pull a small piece of paper out of my pocket. "Now, let's take a taxi. I don't fancy messing up with maps right now."

"Me neither", my friend nodded.


After about half an hour ride we face a beautiful, medium-sized house. As we approach the porch, the door opens, revealing a friendly-looking woman.

"Hello! Welcome to LA," she greets us, smiling widely. "My name's Pamela, but please, call me Pam. And your names are?"

"I'm Nessie," I introduce myself and then point at my friend, "and this is Dinah."

"Glad to meet you, girls," Pam shakes our extended hands. "Come in, please."

We step inside and notice three more persons in the living room. Pamela leads us there and introduces us to her husband Jeff,  and their daughter Presley. As Dinah and I shake their hands, I can't help having a feeling that all these people seem quite familiar. I swear I may have seen them somewhere before... But how? It's my first time on this continent! Nevertheless, Pam finally leads us upstairs to "our" room.

"Feel like at home," she says, opening the door, "Have a rest and we'll have dinner in about an hour. My son should come by this time."

"Thank you very much, Pam," Dinah and I say in unison.

"You're welcome," Pamela replies, closing the door behind her.

My friend and I unpack our suitcases. Soon we're done and relaxing. We talk, but I don't ever mention my thoughts on the family we're staying with. Suddenly we notice it's about dinner time.

"I'll quickly go to the bathroom and we can go downstairs," Dinah says.

"OK, I'll wait here for you," I reply.

When she left the room, I started humming to myself one of BTR's songs.

"I know the night is ending and time just keeps on running out...

I gotta find my way to you..."

"Oh yeah!" I jump as I hear a male voice accompanied by a knock on the closed door.

"Come in," I say, my voice shaking.

I turn around and meet someone's eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Those eyes happen to belong to a well-built man, slightly older than me, wearing a snapback so that I can barely see anything but his smile. Presumably Pam and Jeff's son.

"Who were you singing about?" he asked, seemingly amused by hearing me sing.

"Oh, well...Let's say there's a guy I've a crush on," I reply, feeling ashamed. "How about introducing yourself?"

"Uh, you're right. Where are my manners?" he smiles widely. "I'm Logan."

"And I'm Nessie," I say, extending my hand once again. I've seen a smile like his somewhere before... Oh, come on, my memory keeps playing games on me. It's probably the effect of being jet-lagged. But it's funny his name's Logan... Just like the one I love and wanna meet.

"Glad to meet you, Nessie. Welcome to LA," Logan says, squeezing my hand. "Wait... I heard there were two of you," he added, a little confused.

"Meet my best friend, Dinah," I say, pointing at her as she walks inside.

"Hi, I'm Logan," the guy repeats, greeting Dinah. "Let's go downstairs now, the dinner should be ready."

And we leave the room together.

My Life with Logan Henderson 1 - Love Me, Love MeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat