Chapter 7 Woah, Woah, Woah! (Logan's P.O.V.)

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Nessie stands there speechless as she sees it was me, Logan Henderson, who she's been talking to the whole time. Her face goes pale in a second. Suddenly, I notice her knees bend and I realize she's about to fall down.

"Woah, woah, woah!" I say in my own voice, quickly rushing to her side.

I catch her just in time, before she actually falls. 'Phew... This was so close!' I think to myself, holding Nessie in my arms. She surely must be having a thing for me if she fainted at my sight... I can't get my eyes off her. Damn, she looks so cute... Wake up, Logan! You've got an unconscious princess in your arms, you gotta do something!

I pick her up and move towards the nearest bench. As I lie her there, in the shade, I kneel on the side.

"Nessie? Nessie, can you hear me?" I ask, gently shaking her by the arm.

No answer. I lean in to check her breathe. Oh, ok, I can feel it on my face. I also check her pulse. Luckily it's stable. I elevate Nessie's legs, so the blood would transport oxygen to her brain. Then I pull out my Iphone and diall the emergency number.

"Hello, an unconscious girl in Small Park, Burbank. She breathes, her pulse is stable," I report.

"Ok, I'm sending you an ambulance," I hear a quick response.

I make another call, to my mum this time.

"Yes, Logie?" she answers.

"Mum, there's no time to talk, please get Nessie's documents in case the paramedics need to see them," I say this all on one breath. "She fainted when I revealed who I am. We're in Small Park."

"Ok, honey, we'll be there in three minutes," my mum replies and hangs up.

I look at Nessie once again, caressing her hand lightly. 'Yep, Prince Phillip... Looks like you've just found your Sleeping Beauty,' I think to myself. When I was younger, I was laughed at because of my second name refferring to one of the Disney movies. My mum then said, "Honey, there's nothing wrong in being called Prince Phillip. You'll see it the day you find your Sleeping Beauty. I know you'll find her." I guess she was right.

All of a sudden, Nessie's eyes flutter. I get closer as those blue and golden eyes of her open...

My Life with Logan Henderson 1 - Love Me, Love Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن