Chapter Twenty-One: Change

Start from the beginning

“Mine,” he whispered in my ear before turning to walk away with his brother, leaving me shocked and reeling at his words. Mine?

***                                                      ***                                                      ***

            “Derek, you have to talk to me!” I raised my voice, yelling after my boyfriend as he stormed into the kitchen. I ran in after him, slamming the door shut behind me and banging my hands down on the table in a vain attempt to get his attention.


“There’s nothing to say, Chris! I already told you it’s an Alpha pack,” Derek shouted back at me, taking down a glass from the cabinet and nearly smashing it to bits on the counter in his anger. I’d come home from school with so many questions bouncing around my skull – who were the Alphas? Did Derek know they were in town now? Why hadn’t he warned me if he had? Why did that guy say I was his? What did that mean? But broaching the subject to Derek was proving as fruitless as every other time I’d tried, and now I was starting to get pissed. My conversation with Stiles had really gotten to me, as well as the realization that Derek was cutting Isaac off too. This has to stop.

“But who are they? How is it possible for there to be an Alpha pack? Did you know they’re already in town?”

“I told you, I’m not talking about this with you. These guys are too dangerous, Chris. You have to stay out of it, promise me,” Derek said intensely, coming over to place his hands on my shoulders and catch my gaze. I decided I wasn’t going to get anywhere with Derek, so I replaced my glare with a submissive expression and nodded slowly.


“Thank you,” Derek said softly, leaning in to kiss me on the lips briefly before he pulled away and went to fill up his glass with orange juice. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge as well, pausing and examining the contents as though something was missing.

“Um, we’re almost out of coffee cream. I’ll go run to the store and get some more, do you need anything?” I asked in the most innocent voice I could manage while struggling to maintain a poker face. I’d texted Stiles and Scott the minute I’d gotten home, asking them if they wanted to find some answers ourselves tonight (for I knew Derek most likely would be a dead end). Stiles had responded with a “hell yes!” and Scott had agreed, so I was going to swing by Stiles house to pick both of them up in about ten minutes. I just needed to get past Derek first.

“You’re going now? It’s nearly six.”

“Yeah but if I run out of cream in the morning I’ll be pissed the rest of the day. Friday’s are bad enough, I don’t need to test my limits by going without coffee,” I argued compellingly, and Derek couldn’t help but smirk at my coffee addiction.

“Okay, just be careful,” he told me finally, walking over and grabbing my face in his warm, strong hands. I basked in his touch, smiling up at Derek’s handsome face and stretching up on my toes to press my lips against his tenderly. The spicy yet sweet scent that was very much Derek wrapped around me, making my hormones sizzle and my nerves pop. We kissed softly for a few minutes, and it was sweet and gentle, before I finally broke it off and turned to go.

“Oh, Chris?”

Crap, I thought as I swung my purse onto my shoulder and turned to face him. He knows.


“Could you get some more cereal? I think we’re almost out, too.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll be back soon,” I lied smoothly as I closed the front door behind me and locked it. Riding down the elevator, I was plagued with guilt at the look on Derek’s face when I’d told him I’d stay out of it. But he couldn’t honestly expect me to sit back and let him handle it when he didn’t even seem to know what was going on himself. Someone had to get some answers, and with Scott and Stiles by my side, I knew I was safe. Still, I wish I could be doing this with Derek; that’s what partners were supposed to be for. Oh, well. At least I’ve got these two goofballs. 

            Twenty minutes later, the three of us pulled up in front of Dr. Deaton’s vet office, parking and hopping out of the car as quietly as we could. It was getting dark, and the shadows and dusk made it hard for me and Stiles to see.

“You’re sure your boss will know something about all of this?” Stiles asked once again, and Scott nodded emphatically, leading us to the front door and entering. A little bell rang, alerting the inhabitants of the store of our arrival. To my surprise, one of the guys who were standing at the front desk turned his head to look at us, and when our eyes met something hot and sharp flashed through my chest. It’s the guy from school, one of the twins. He smiled widely at me, tapping his brother on the shoulder and mumbling something as he approached me. Before I knew it, Stiles and Scott were giving me thumbs up and sneaking past the twins while I was left to distract the one who was standing right in front of me.

“What’s your name?” he said in a deep, melodic voice that raised goose bumps on my arms. A deep blush rushed over my cheeks, and I looked down at my feet.

“Um, Chris. Y-you can call me Chris.”

“Nice to meet you, Chris. I’m Aiden,” he introduced himself, still smiling charismatically and reaching out to shake my hand. For some idiotic reason, I placed my hand in his and instead of shaking it, he used the contact to pull me roughly against his chest. My face was inches away from his, and as I ducked my head so as not to accidentally kiss him, he placed his mouth right by my ear again.

“You’re mine, Chris.” 


Hey guys! So sorry this is a few days later than usual, I've been having writers block as I said in my earlier A/N! But anyways, I managed to crank out this wimpy chapter for you guys, sorry I know it's pretty crappy but its the best I could do! Sorry! I hope you still managed to like it, and what do you guys think of Aiden's interest in Chris?? I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments below!! So thanks so much for reading, and dont forget to vote/comment! Theres a gorgeous pic of the twins on the right >>>>> and for those of you who are TOTALLY OBSESSED with Teen wolf, I think you'd appreciate the youtube video thats IN THE EXTERNAL LINK!!!! So click on the external link and watch the video, IT IS FRICKIN HILARIOUS!! Like it actually made me nearly pee my pants its so funny :D So I'll try to update again by the weekend! Thanks xoxoxo

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