"Will you treat her right? Even when your on tour and you can't be together for long periods of time?" Mrs. Calder asked.

"Yes. We have made it worked now with our busy schedules and I have no doubt that we will make it work when we are married. If anything, I'll treat her better and fly her out even more. She will be treated like the princess she is," I reassured her.

'Well I have just one more thing to ask then," Mr. Calder informed me with a serious tone. "What's taken you so long? Welcome to the family."

"Thank you so much! I promise your daughter will be very happy with me if she says yes!" I exclaim with the biggest smile on my face.

"She will don't worry. Now go plan the perfect proposal for her!" Mrs. Calder squealed.

'I will. Bye!"

"Bye!" They chorused as I hung up.

Now that I got her parent's approval, I need to get this thing planned.The first thing I need to do to get ready for this proposal is rent the hot air ballon. After about 3 hours, I finally find a place that is available for tomorrow night. The hardest part is finding someone to write Eleanor will you marry me in the sky. That takes 4 hours and 20 phone calls, but finally the only thing left to get is the ring. The ring. I don't even know where to begin. I'll just go to the store and see what the person there says.

I hop in the car and find a really nice jewlery store. When I get in there, I immeditely find someone who will help me.

"So, what are you looking for today?" the sales person asked me.

'Well, I need a ring. I'm asking my girlfriend to marry me," I informed her.

"Well that's great! I'm assuming you have a unlimited price range?" I looked at her weird. "Sorry but my daughters a huge fan so i know who you are."

"O ok. Well if you find me the perfect ring I'll sign an autograph for her," I joked. "And yea, price doesn't really matter. It has to be perfect!"

"Well we have this ring." She showed me a grogeous 3 carat ring with a bunch of diamonds that make up the shape of a heart.

"It's beautiful, but it's not it," I informed her.

"How about this one?" She asked as she showed me a 5 carat ring with diamonds surrounding ever inch of it. The big diamond in the middle was the prettiest diamond I have ever seen.

"That's it!" I scream. "That's the one that I'm going to propose with! Now who should I sign that autograph to?"

Eleanor's POV


I've noticed Louis has been gone all day. He texted me he has a date planned for us so he must be getting ready fot that. I need to get ready, he said he's picking me up in an hour. He said to dress semi formal so I decided on a nice pair of jeans and a pretty fancy top. I put my make up on and curl my hair and before I know it, Louis  is here.

'Ready babe/" He asked as he gave me a quick kiss. Huh, he seems nervous. It's probably nothing.

"Yep, lets go," I smile. He drives me to a secret location and when we get there I realize we are going on a a hot air ballon flight! 'I've always wanted to go on a hot air ballon ride!"

"I know, that's why I planned this," he laughed at my excitment. When we get up in the sky I notice that he is getting even more nervous. He must be scared of heights. Weird, we've gone on airplanes and roller coasters before and he never has been scared before.

"It's ok. There's no need to be nervous I'm here babe," I reassure him as I take his hand.

"Thanks babe!" He then gives me a kiss. 'I love you so much.'

'I love you too!"

"Hey look at that cloud!" Louis shouted nervously. I looked up and saw some writing. I then read it and realized it said Eleanor will you marry me! Oh my god is he proposing? I turn around and see Louis on one knee with a box in his hand. At this point, I am so shocked I can't even speak.

'Eleanor, I love you so much. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Even being famous doesn't compare to your love. I know things haven't been easy but our love has gotten through it. From the second Harry introuduced us, I knew you were special. Over these last couple of years, I have fallen head over heels in love with you and there is no going back. Eleanor Jane Calder will you marry me?" He then opens the box to show me the stunning ring.

'Yes!" I scream as I jump into his arms and kiss him like I have never kissed him before. I then put the the ring on my finger and we spend the rest of the ride enoying each other's company as an engaged couple.



AWW! This chapter is adorable for all you Elounor shippers! They are engaged! Now to the real news, I am sad to say that this story will be ending in about 10 chapters. However, I do have a sequel planned! Plus I have some other stories that I have ideas for. However, I need someone to make covers for me for those stories. If you make story covers and you are interested, please inbox me and I will tell you about the stories and what I want on them. Thanks! Update in 2 days!


Summer Love (a one direction fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ