2.4 + niall

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"I think you should say yes." I huffed out a sigh, looking at my son that was on my lap playing with his toy soldiers, making me smile fondly at him.

I've spent hours of thinking if I should go on a date with Harry after I awkwardly hang up on him partly because Jacob kept tugging on my hand and insisting we go to the park and partly because I was surprised and didn't know what to say.

Dates are usually a thing I do for jobs, it sort of comes with me escorting people but real actual dates?

It's been ages since I went to one.

"I told you to let yourself be happy and this is it. This is an opportunity given to you so I suggest you go and take it. Opportunities like these are rare. What are you waiting for Niall?" I only nodded, still watching my son play. It's not that I don't want to, in fact, I wanted to but I just find it weird that Harry's been so busy trying to avoid me and pretend that I'm not there except when we have great sex and then suddenly he's asking me on a date?

Something isn't right.

"Isn't it odd? Literally hours ago when I was in his house he was so distant and-"

"You're making excuses. It is yeah I'll give you that but maybe he was planning this all alone and he was just nervous and scared you'd reject him that's why he was acting like that. Niall just give him this please and then you can talk. Talk about what really this is." She picks up a toy soldier and starts playing with Jacob meaning we are done with this conversation.

I groaned, dropping my phone before lying down on the floor. I hear Jacob's cute giggles and it's only a matter of time when he tries to attack me with his tickles. I smile before sitting up and pulling him into my lap, my hands tickling his sides.

He bursts out into a fit of giggles as I continue to tickle him mercilessly. I laugh as I lift his shirt up and nuzzle my face on his stomach, making him laugh even more. It was honestly my favorite sound.

Other than Harry's grunts and moans, that is.

"The tickle monster is here." I say changing my voice a bit and he mutters a series of stop and papas. I finally let him go after a while and him being the naughty kid he is, runs once he's out of my grasp.

I look at Ashley who was chewing her bubblegum loudly and scrolling through her phone. I smirk as our eyes meet.

"Oh no, Niall." She says and I roll my eyes, standing up before sticking my tongue out.

"Jacob better be hiding because tickle monster Ashley is sure to get him!" I sing song. Chuckling as Ashley glares at me and gives me the finger.

"We play this every bloody night." She mumbles and I only peck her cheek, mumbling a thank you.

"Fuck you." She pushes me away and I wink and blow her a kiss. I love this girl.

She counts one to three before rushing to find where Jacob is albeit everyone knows where his hiding place is. In the closet.

I think he likes it there, I even caught him this one time, coloring his books inside the closet and told me he was waiting for Narnia. He was so adorable I couldn't crush his dreams and tell him it isn't real so I just let him play until he fell asleep and I carried him to bed.

My phone lights up and I pick it up. Seeing a notification that Harry has sent a message.

"Niall?" It only says and I bite my lower lip. I should be able to give myself this and Harry too. I should let myself be happy.

He's not coming back.

I shudder as memories of the past hit me. All the screaming, the yelling, the hurting and the way I've tried so hard to please my father when in reality I never will.

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