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"I'm not surprised. But Zayn being a dominant it just-it's not to be taught, you just know when you are, you just know when you like to have that kind of power and I don't quite think I could just like demand him to be a dom." I nod jerkily. I know but Harry's desperate enough to change his ways that he'd want to learn how to be one.

What Harry lacks is the authority and confidence. Now I know that he can develop that through well, sex. It'll also help him to be less old fashioned in a way, to let loose and just go with the pleasure not with his feelings. I need him to be cold and ruthless and Niall would help him in that.

"He's got to stop letting people take advantage of him, he has to learn how to take advantage of people. He's just so- he's so true you know? To his feelings. He's kind of like an open book and people use that to hurt him?" I say, running a hand through my hair. I really hope Niall agrees, I don't want to get any random bloke, I want Niall, I trust and know Niall.

And it seems Harry already has a liking to him so...

I look at Niall and pray to God that he agrees. Harry needs this, needs him. Niall can make him a dominant. He's always been a good submissive, if he fully submits to Harry then Harry's instincts will kick in.

"He's too soft, too kind." I whisper.

I hope the guilt trip works.

And it does because Niall bites his lip and nods.

"Really?" I beam at him, my smile as wide as ever that my cheeks actually begin to hurt.

"Yeah really. What's the worse that could happen right? I can teach him, he can use me, I bet he's a great shag anyways." I clasp my hands and rubs it together, thrill and excitement fills me for my bestfriend. I'm grateful that Niall agreed, now I can give back to Harry who's always been there for me.

He's helped me through everything really, applying for college, getting a temporary job, moving to London, graduating and getting a job that I actually love. You name it.

A good samaritan, that boy.

"I don't know if he's really boring and I don't want to find out either but tell me if he is yeah?" We continue to walk back out of the room and into the booth we were in earlier.

"It's fine, he'll be wild with me." Niall winks and I already know I made the right choice of picking Niall.

"Thank you so much for this, I owe you big Ni." I say sincerely, putting an arm around him and pressing him close to my side, hugging him briefly before letting him go.

"It's nothing zee, you paid me, I should be the one thanking you but a blow job would be nice." I smile at that pinching Niall's cheeks because he's damn adorable and I want to.

"We'll see about that babe. We'll see." I shake my head fondly before we make our way through the grinding bodies to our booth where you can see Harry awkwardly sipping a drink, his cheeks are so red, even the tip of his ears are red and he's surrounded by guys like Niall who had bunny costumes on.

"Get out you cunts!" Niall cusses, glaring at them jokingly and one boy glares back at him.

"He's mine." He arches an eyebrow as he steps inside and places himself on Harry's lap, Harry looks at him, gives him a loopy smile in return as he leans his head on the blonde's shoulder.

Forgot he tends to be a bit clingy when he drinks woops then.

"You're so unfair! You get all the handsome customers!" The lad pouts and whines but slides out of the booth anyways, Niall just gives him the finger to shut the lot of them up.

"How many have you had?" I ask and Harry tightens the hold he has on Niall, smile still cute and bright.

"Four." But then he raises his hand and uses five fingers as he shrugs. I sighs. My bestfriend is a fucking lightweight but then again, he isn't used to drinking.

"Did they harrass you?" Niall whispers and Harry shakes his head.

"I'm dead." Harry replies instead, nuzzling his head on Niall's back, and Niall tries not to flinch. He's so touchy feely.

"Well I'm Niall." He grins and Harry shakes his head, smiling widely again before he says.

"No. I'm in heaven. You are an angel."


author's note: mine are narry (totes as a romance), nouis and im torn between ziall, ziam and zouis and lilo soz hahaha. please tell me what you think about this chapter! and also does anyone miss tmh narry bc i do. (good times, good times)

weirdest kink that you guys have? or just kinks? or you think narry have?

p.s: is anyone here good at making trailers i would like to make this one with the song i dont mind or talking body? oh and like a better cover because i suck at covers :(((( i do i try tho. just message me and ill give you my email thx. all the love lmao.

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