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dedicated to lee baby and naRRIES WHERE U @


The strong aroma of something burning hits my nose the next morning, it must be really bad since I can smell it from here, I sit up abruptly, noticing that Niall isn't beside me but paying no mind to it as I hurriedly jog downstairs.

When I get downstairs, Niall smiles at me sheepishly as he washes the pan with the burnt food on it. It sizzles and he sighs, wiping his face, sitting down.

"What happened?" I shake my head, chuckling a bit as I take a sit beside him, he fiddles with his fingers and refuses to look at me.

"Hey it's okay I'm not mad." I touch his shoulder and he looks at me, his blue eyes wide and his cheeks tinged pink from embarrassment. I refrain myself from cupping his cheeks and cooing.

"I know, it's just I know what happens when I cook, this happened many times before but I shouldn't have- I just wanted to cook you something I don't know what's gotten into my head." He forces out a laugh, rubbing his arms and looking guilty.

"Thank you Ni." I smile then I look at the plate with burnt hams? I don't know I can't make something out of it since it's all black but I get one and he holds my hand to stop me, raising an eyebrow.

"You cooked this, therefore I shall eat it." I give him a toothy grin and ignore how our hands fit together like a puzzle.

Oh shut it you. I am sappy deal with it.

"It tastes like shit Harry, trust me you don't want to." He says but I ignore him, shrugging his hand gently before popping it into my mouth.

"See it's not that bad...." It is bad, I just don't want to tell him, he beams at me before shaking his head then blushing.

"You're so ridiculous. It isn't. Now that I've ruined a potentially good breakfast, can I take you out?" He waggles his eyebrows and I force the food down my throat, swallowing it and then making a face.

"What do you have in mind?" I choke out.

"Mcdonalds." He says as he stands up, I can't help but admire him and notice how petite and feminine he is, sure he had wonderful biceps and muscles but he still looked so fragile and soft.

I bet I can easily manhandle him...

"Harry." Niall snaps his fingers in front of me and I shake my head, snapping out of it.

"If you don't hurry up it's not going to be my treat anymore." He smirks and I roll my eyes, still smiling.

Niall Horan sure is something.


I tell him that it's my treat but he glares at me (I'm not threatened at all it's actually cute that he's trying to be scary) and tells me that it's his way of saying sorry that he almost burned my kitchen and I comply after that, he glares at me again when I laugh so I leave him be and find us a table.

He comes shortly with our food and I fix my tie, thinking of all the articles I should write next because that's my job- I write in a magazine.

"Are you sure you're not going to be late? Isn't your workplace far from here..." Niall trails off, sipping his orange juice and looking at the people passing by.

"I told you, my boss loves me and no it isn't that far, it'll only take me 20 minutes and I go at nine which gives me forty minutes, don't fret." I chuckle, stabbing my pancakes with the plastic spoon and cutting it into tiny pieces.

"Aren't you going to ask me something?" Niall raises an eyebrow and gets his fork, getting some of my pancake which I scowl at him for.

He grins and blows a kiss, making me blush. Goddamn Niall Horan.

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