"Don't be such a grouch. Come on, I heard a little lake not to far from here." Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me through the woods. "You are lucky I love you," I muttered at him. "I know, but don't make like you don't like it." Jake whistled. "Why are you so happy? I thought this whole reason for this little field trip was for you to sort through the feelings and try to deal?" I asked putting quotations around field trip.

"Why are you so grumpy?" Jake asked in return with a smile lighting his face. "Is it the time of the month?"

"What?! No! You know I don't have that Jake!" I spluttered out at him. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired, that's all and what with us not being in known territory, I'm a little on edge." I sighed and rubbed my face with my hand. "I shouldn't have teased you about that. And I'm sorry I've taken you away from civilization." Jake turned a little teasingly at the end. "Shut up!" I laughed and playfully shoved him. "Hey, hey! I have scissors here!" Jake held up his hand. "You're a fast healer." I replied quickly. He just pouted at me.

"Look we are at the little lake!" I squealed and jumped in the water. It felt so good to be in the water. "We have to cut our hair," Jake called out to me. "Okay, okay," I complained and got out of the water. "Here, I go first!" Jake called out and took a seat on a rock. "Alright, it's not gonna look pretty," I picked up a piece of his hair and inspected it. "It's okay, when we get home we can go and get a proper haircut."

"Alright," I agreed and started snipping his hair. I tried my best to cut his hair all even and stuff but it wouldn't work. I don't know how to cut hair, especially boys hair. Also the rusty old scissors weren't helping either. Three minutes later I was done with Jake and he stood up to look himself in the waters reflection.

"Do you like it?"

"My turn!" Jake turned around and smiled mischeviously.

"No thank you. I would do my own hair," I said. And with that I gathered all my hair to one side and cut it diagonally from the back, so the blades would point upwards. Two minutes later I was done cutting my  hair and looking at myself in the waters reflection.

"No fair! You did mine horribly on purpose!" Jake pointed an accusatory finger at me. "I did nothing of the sort. I don't know how to cut mens hair. Let alone my hair. It was just pure luck that it didn't turn out as horrible as yours." I answered him.

"You're lieing," he said stubbornly.

"No I'm not," I replied to him.

"Yes you are," he answered,"You are also mean." He added in as he walked closer to me.

"No I'm not. You are," I corrected.

"How so?" By now he was mere centimeters away from my face and looking down. When he spoke or took a breath it would hit me in the face. And boy did his face reek.

"Because you are teasing me."

"And how am I teasing you?" He asked calmly.

"Because you are mere centimeters from my face and you won't kiss me."  I answered him.

"If you wanted a kiss all you had to do was ask." He chuckled. I loved his laughter but at this moment I do not love his breath.

I didn't bother making a reply to that due to the fact that I was kissing Jake. My Jake.

I dropped the scissors to the ground and stood on my tip toes so I could fling my arms around his neck. He leaned down even more and put wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled back to take a breath of fresh air and leaned my head on his.

"I love you," I answered him.

"I love you too," he answered me and was about to kiss me again but I turned my head to the side so that he kissed my cheek again.

Furry Love (A Jacob Black Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now