Christmas shopping

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After I kissed Jake good night I went to my room to take a shower. Then I went to bed thinking about what had almost happened. I almost wanted it to happen but at the same time I don’t. I know that I am going to be with him for the rest of my life. Though, I still want to be married to him first. I want to make it right and not have a messed up life because I didn’t plan for it to happen. I know Jake means well but sometimes it just gets too much.

That night I dreamed of my wedding and it was beautiful. I had flowers and a beautiful white gown. And I saw the back of my husband to be so when he turned around I was excited to see who it was but then I woke up. I stirred from my dream to hear my alarm clock go off. Damn I forgot to turn it off seeing how it was the holidays. Oh well. I got out of bed and went to my bathroom to go and brush my teeth and hair. Then I went out into the hall, I then went to the guest room where I had Jake sleep. And he was knocked out, a hurricane could have hit and he would have been dead asleep. Yet he looked so adorable when he slept, there was no trace of anger or anything like that. There was only the face of a boy whom I fell deeply in love with when I was seven years old.

I quietly shut the door and went to go make breakfast. Hmm I would have to go to the grocery store later to buy more food. I felt Jake before I saw him. He came behind me and hugged me and also kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and leaned into him while trying not to burn the eggs. Couple minutes later I put the breakfast on the table and grabbed two forks and two cups of orange juice. Jake sat infront of me and gave me a smile. My heart felt like it skipped a beat when he showed me the smile that had forever changed my world. Thirty minutes later we were cleaning up and Jake was whistling a tune. I was smiling at how everything in my life seems so perfect. I had everything I needed right here next to me.

When I saw the date up on the calendar I almost screamed out frustration. Jake must’ve felt my frustration ‘cause he went over to see what was wrong.

“Sam, babe, are you okay?” Jake asked me. I shook my head ‘no’ and pointed at the calendar. He looked, confused, from my face to the calendar. “Yeah, the calendar, what’s wrong with the calendar? Sammy answer me please.” Jake said. So I answered him with what I thought was a calm voice turned out it was a totally unattractive squeaking voice, “It is almost Christmas and I didn’t get decorations, Christmas tree, or even Christmas presents!” Jake just stood there then he started laughing at me, I just stared at him. Didn’t he think this was important? I thought he was going to take this seriously.

 So I just stomped off into the living room and he followed lolling out of the kitchen after me. “Would you please stop laughing at me?” I asked him, and then he turned his laughter into a chuckle and went to go sit down on the couch infront of me. “Come here.” Jake said and patted the seat next to him. Reluctantly I went to go sit beside him crossing my arms and turning my head slightly away from him. “Aw come on I wasn’t laughing at you. I promise I wasn’t I was laughing at myself.” Jake said trying to gently turn my head towards him, but he couldn’t because of my stubbornness so he gave up and went to go squat infront of me. The look he gave me made me soften up and I turned the frown I had on my lips into a warm smile.

“That’s my girl.” Jake said smiling up at me from his position. He went back on the couch after pulling me into his arms he asked me a question. “Why are you so worried about it being almost Christmas again?” I felt his gaze look down at me so I looked up and met his beautiful brown eyes. “I am worried about Christmas because I didn’t get anything for you guys yet. And since it will be my first year having Christmas back here again I wanna host a party here.” I said taking one of my arms from around his torso and sweeping my arm out gesturing to my living room. “Now I see why. But don’t you have any Christmas decorations from last year?” He asked me. “No I haven’t, I didn’t celebrate Christmas because it was only me and I didn’t have any friends to go over and celebrate what with me having a job and going to school at my age and also living by myself. I didn’t have any friends at my old school. I didn’t even have any boyfriends there. Even though so many of them asked me out.” I said knowing that that would set Jake on edge. But it was worth it because his reaction was funny and sweet.

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