Starr Academy: Year Two- Chapter 27

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~~Marek’s Point Of View~~

    I couldn’t stop looking at Theo as he paced across the floor. We’ve been waiting here for some word and for someone to tell me what the hell was going on. Even Nathan wasn’t speaking to me yet again.

    Turning to him, I found his foot tapping and a look of pure worry and pain. I still couldn’t understand why we had grown so far apart so quickly. I miss us sharing the same room. I miss playing video games with him. I miss luring Hope to play with us instead of studying most of all.

    Nathan glanced at me for a second before jerking his head away. He swiftly stood up and went to the window. He smacked his hand. “This isn’t FAIR!!” His head bowed. “She hasn’t deserved any of the pain that she’s been put through.”

    Theo walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Calm son. By all the elements we will save her.”

    Nathan turned on Theo with pained eyes and tears running down his face. “But she’s dead. Died from a broken heart that he caused.” Nathan thrusted an accusing finger at me.

    The door opened as Theo opened his mouth and Headmistress Alexi came in. “We have not lost her yet. There is still time to save her.” She looked to me. “Please stand up Marek.”

    I rose from my seat slowly as she walked over to me. She gripped my chin and looked deep into my eyes searching for something. A frown formed on her face as she moved me head slightly from side to side before she let go of my face and stepped away.

    “Now I understand.” She looked to her husband. “Please watch over him till we are ready for him and only allow any of Hope’s friends see him. Everyone else is to be turned away. Also make sure to make any drink for him personally.” Her eyes turned back to me. “Seems someone had bewitched you against your knowledge.”

    I watched her leave with Nathan as I felt so confused. My eyes turned to Theo after the door closed. “What did she mean bewitched?”

    He sighed sadly. “You might want to sit.” I did and he sat next to me. His eyes staying on the door. “My wife sees many things. If something is wrong with someone, she can find it no matter how deep its buried. It’s what makes her a brilliant Headmistress.

    “For her to see that you have been bewitched means that you were indeed bewitched by another. Somehow, some way, a fellow student had slipped past your innate magical defense and made you think something that wasn’t real. What you have known has been false. As it was a fellow student, I have no doubt only a piece of your reality has been altered. None are strong enough to wield any other part of one’s reality.”

    I looked down. A part of my reality was false. “What part could have been false?”

    “Can you not guess?” I looked up at him and he had an eyebrow raised. “Think hard. What has everyone you know been telling you?”

    Thinking about, there was only one thing that I could think of. What Zander had shouted at me. What broke Nathan and I apart. “Hope.” The only person I thought had stayed by me this whole time, but everyone has been telling me that I hadn’t been by her. Zander had said I had cheated on Hope which I denied. Was he right? I had been cheating on Hope this whole time?


    I waited hours before anyone came to the room. Theo told me to stay sitting while he saw who it was. Whoever it was, he turned them away. Told them that I wasn’t not having any visitors except those Headmistress Alexi had authorize. He told them that they had to take it up with her if they wanted to see me.

    “Who was that?”

    He huffed. “Just Kathleen. Said she was worried about you and had a cup of tea for you. You’re not to have it.”

Starr Academy: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now