Starr Academy: Year Two- Chapter 10

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    The next day I started reading the journal. I smiled as I read his excitement yet anxiety opening up the school. He had used his family’s home to start the school. He wanted someplace sacred to the magical community and this was a very magical spot.

~December 28

    Today we started to work on plans to add on to my beloved home that was now home to the students we now have. So many families were starting to see how wonderful this idea of ours was. I have high hopes for the success for what we are doing.

    In just one month we break ground for two big projects. One extension to mimic the one on the right side of the main house. The second extension will be to add a second level to the ‘dorms’ of the school. When its done, all the staff and students will reside there instead of having the students so cramped where they are. Then work on the second and fourth floor of the main building can begin.

    I smiled as I read. He was dealing with not only running a school, but with renovations at the time. How he must have managed that. Some of it had to do with the number of students they had weren’t to the number that was here now. No where close, but he knew they would need the space for the future.

    Last night I had ask Melerick himself where his journals were. He just smiled at me and shook his head. He said I had to discover them on my own. Even me pouted didn’t deter him from his decision. He wanted me to have a mystery.

    I had a feeling he didn’t want to tell me. That there was more in those journals that he didn’t want me to know just yet. He wanted me ready for what was in them. I could only imagine what his personal journals have in them.

    I turned the page and smiled at the sketch Melerick drew of the school as it now sits. The symmetry and balance in the drawing was so beautiful. He had so many talents.

~January 5

    We received many new books that I had tirelessly searched for during the winter break against the protests of my beloved wife. After she had steadied herself if our task, I believe she quite enjoyed the hunt.

    In Europe, we had found some astonishing volumes about old practices and new ways. Many had to be shipped here from there. Others we had to wait for before the owner would part with them. But all had arrived except one that I am most interested in reading myself. 

    The other professors had already started to read and even plan to incorporate the new volumes into their lessons. The ones yet to have been touched are now in the library that will need to be expanded as well. My list keeps growing for the ever tangible future that I foresee.

    “Tangible future.” I whispered as I wondered if he was talking about me and our meetings at night. Our dream times.

~March 13

    We have meet with a problem. There has been chatter within the nearby town about our school. My wife and several other professors have all told me that some wish to oversee what we are teaching here. They are worried we are worshipping demons here.

    The original plans were to have our star chamber for rituals to open and easy for all to see. I fear this is not so. We must plan to have that room made to be hidden. For safety of the students and all practitioners.

    Below the entry was a small drawing of the room where I found out my elements were. He even wrote the elements with stones that coordinated with them. Fire, lava rock. Water, sand stone. Air, crystal quarts. Earth, green and tan marble.

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