Starr Academy:Year Two- Chapter 12

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    Professor Gilliett smiled as he stood in front of us. It was the first day of school and I was excited. Seems like he was too. He looked even more thrilled to be back and teaching. As if he has a new renewed energy to continue on. To forget about what happened and what could have happened while he was possessed by Melerick's old foe.

    "This year is your first year entering the battles. Before you can, you must make your armor as to eliminate severe injury." He walked over to a table that was draped with a cloth hiding something underneath. He gripped the cloth and threw it off. Under the cloth were different pieces of one set of an armor. "This week we will be blending both your lecture and practice elements classes to work on your armor and learning the fundamentals about the battles. By the time Friday comes around, I expect all of you to be ready and knowledgeable about what you will experience."

    He smiled before his hand drifted through the air toward all of us. A mist drifted from the display armor and spilt to each of us. It creeped and crawled onto our large desks. "First we must deal with your armor itself."

    He lifted the chest plate from his display and most of us mimicked his movement. He went through the importance of each piece and got us to slip some of our own magic into the armor itself. That it was going to become part of us and we wouldn't even feel it when we had them on.

    I held my armor up and shift it slowly in the light. My armor was iridescent as the light moved across it. Saw a beautiful orange-red, aqua blue, and a soft pale blue along with a yellow, a pale purple, and a dark blue-green shine across my armor.

    Looking up when I felt a hand on my shoulder to find Professor Gilliett smiling down at me. "Your armor is exquisite. It matches you very gloriously."

    I blushed a little as he gave my shoulder a little squeeze before moving onto another student. There were a few having trouble adding their magic into their armor. I felt bad for them. They weren't finding it easy. I tried to offer a hand to anyone who needed it. They were very grateful for my help.

    During Elemental Practice, Gilliett showed us how to wear our armor. How to get the different pieces on and off. By the end of class I felt very confident in my skill just to wear the armor. I was just worried about other things.

    "Miss. Lund, stay back for a few moments." I turned looking puzzled at Professor Gilliett. My bag halfway being lifted up on to my shoulder. I set it back down and watched as the rest of the class filed out of the room.

    Once the last student closed the door behind them and I rose to walk up to the professor's desk. He smiled and gestured to the seat next to him. "Have a seat. We have a little amount of time to talk."

    I tilted my head to the side as I sat down. "Talk?"

    He smiled more as he chuckled. "About your school year this year. As your mentor, I thought we should make up your game plan for the year and maybe think of next year later on."

    I smiled too. "That sounds nice."

    He nodded as he pulled some pages out of a folder. "As you tend to work so much quicker than everyone else, I thought you might like to learn different things. Change class up every so often at your own pace. I've written out all the different classes and each of the professors gave me a rough outline for their agenda for the year."

    I looked at the papers curious about what the classes were like. I smiled seeing several later in the year that I would most likely want to try. The feeling of giddiness was bubbling up inside me, but I kept it inside me.

Starr Academy: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now