Starr Academy: Year Two- Chapter 20

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~~Marek's Point Of View~~

    I scrubbed a hand over my face in exhaustion. But still, I smiled thinking of what Hope was doing right now while I was stuck here researching heavily. Leaning back in my chair, images of Nathan and her having a marathon playing a game and Hope whipping him good every time.

    That's what I loved about Hope. She was so innocent when it came to everything, but took to it all so very quickly. Nathan got only one time to beat Hope before she constantly whipped his tail. He keeps trying, but he'll never succeed at his endeavors.

    A groan passed through my lips when I remembered why I was here and not in my room laughing at the overly dramatic Nathan. Damn paper! Why did my professor give us only two days for a ten page paper?

     I slumped forward again over my notes and laptop trying to finish the last bit of my paper. My fingers flying across the keys as I felt more and more tired. But I had to get this done. My paper was due tomorrow.

    And I wasn't the only one in the library this late at night. I could see half my classmates in here working away for our history teacher. Every one of them grumbling about the subject as they toil away like me on their laptops. Thank heavens we could email the paper to our professor and not waste paper. This paper really wasn't worth trying to wipe the ink off later to reuse for another assignment.

    Snickering and whispers hit my ear making me look up. I groaned again as I put my head back down. "Go away Kathleen. I'm way too busy to deal with you right now."

    Rubbing my eyes then my temple when she didn't listen to me and sat down in a seat next to me anyways. I turned to tell her off when she placed a cup of tea in a coffee mug on the only open table closest to me.

    I raised an eyebrow at her. "What's this?"

    She shrugged looking away. "I finished my paper and thought you'd be thirty. I made you a black tea for energy."

    Frowning I lifted the tea up. "You starting to be nice?"

    Again she shrugged not looking at me. "I doubt your little girlfriend would be that nice."

    A scowl creased my forehead. "I told her to not worry about me. That she needed to have some fun and beat Nathan  at his games." I rolled my eyes. "As if he could beat any of us no matter how many times he has tried."

    Kathleen crossed her arms. "She still could come and see you."

    "Kathleen..." I sighed out her name. "I told Hope not to and she trust that I'm a big boy who can take care of himself. I you don't mind, I like to finish my work so I can go to bed."

    She rose. "Fine, but I'll check on you again in half an hour."

    "Don't bother." I throw over my shoulder picking up the tea. "I wish you weren't so full of yourself sometimes. Then maybe we could be at least friends." My words were mumbled as I blew the steam away from the mug.

    I cringed a little by the bitter and strange taste of the tea. I took another sip and then drank the rest. It was surprisingly good though not really my cup of tea. Pun so intended.

    Setting down the mug, I started typing again and did feel more...energized and focused. Who knew Kathleen could help a guy when he needed just a bit of help just for the last push for this paper? I'll have to ask Kathleen what kind of tea that was. In ten minutes, I had the paper done.

    After sending it off to my professor, I packed up all my stuff and left the library. I turned the corner on the main floor heading toward the dorms and saw Hope smiling at me. I smiled back as I went up to her.

    "You coming to check on me when I told you not too?"

    "Guilty." She giggled as  I slipped my hand around her waist.


    We walked to the dorm stairs but Hope pulled me over to a hidden part of the stairwell. She placed her hand on my chest as I looked at her surprised. "I thought we could make out for a little before we go to our rooms and sleep."

    I smiled down at her. "We've never done that before."

    She leaned up to press her lips onto mine. "It's just I thought we'd need some..." She shrugged. "Changes."

    My smile turned into a smirk as I kissed her. "You want to spice up our relationship?"


    "I like that idea." I tilted my head more and we spent the next half an hour kissing right there hidden from sight. We never made out in public and I doubt we ever would. I loved having this just for us.

~~Kathleen's Point Of View~~

    Who would have thought the potion worked so well? Marek was now mine. All mine and not that trash's. She is worthless and nothing. No I had the one thing that was hers that I wanted. Just wait till she sees him kissing me. Her little pathetic heart will be crushed to pieces.

    I relished the feeling of Mare's lips on mine. Damn, but I so wanted to lift his shirt over his head so I could run my fingers along those fine abs of his. But I couldn't because little Miss. Thing didn't do that.

    From what I've seen and been told, she was still a... (gag) ... virgin. Who in this world stays a virgin? I lost mine years ago and love having sex. When the time is right, I going to make Marek take me. I'll rock his world like he never knew could be rocked.

    Sadly he ended our time together too soon. I wanted to make out with him the whole night. Fucking jerk!! Who the hell needs sleep with our boring classes? I'll break him out of his strict school mentality. No one needs to study when we have magic on our side.

    Though there was one thing I loved, Marek held my hand as we went up the stairs. He gave me a brief kiss before he left me at the split between the guy dorms and the girl dorms on the second floor of the dorms. Little did he know I was on the third floor of the girl dorms.

    I was skipping up the stairs and down the hall to my dorm. This is so going to be worth it. Marek will be mine. Miss. Everyone-Loves-Me will finally know her place. And I will be ruling the school like I should have been all this time.

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