Starr Academy: Year Two- Chapter 19

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    Sitting at the table, I still feel the terrible. My family’s words and accusations were still fresh in my mind. I still couldn’t understand why they take so much pleasure in torturing me like they do. Could it really be my acceptance of what I was, or was it more with them?

    Zander rubbed my back as he sat next to me at the breakfast table. “They’re not here anymore, Hopeful. Please cheer up.”

    “Sorry. It’s just they’re my family and they do care that they treat me like that.”

    He frowned before he gave me a tight smile. “If you want, I’ll get my parents to buy you a house wherever you want so that could be your house.”

    I smacked his chest shaking my head. “You will do no such thing.” Then I smiled. “I like that Franklin’s parents like me staying with them when I go ‘home’ for the summer.”

    He chuckled. “The offer is open if ever you changed your mind.”

    I shook my head at him again. “You know I can be stubborn when I want to be.”

    He smiled mischievously. “As you know I can be.” He raised an eyebrow. “We both do have fire as a mutual element. Being stubborn is a trait we both have.” He chuckled. “Even to the point of stupidity.”

    I laughed. “Speak for yourself.”

    Someone kissed my cheek and I looked up to find Nathan. “Hey gorgeous. You happy to see me?”

    I got up and hugged him. “More than you could possibly know.” The emotions welling up again, but I tried to not let it take me over.

    Nathan pulled back and frowned pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket. “Oh Hopeful, that bad?”

    Zander rubbed my back again. “They were a bit ruthless to her over Thanksgiving."

    "Next year you're coming to my family's house."

    I shook my head. "I can't run from them." Sniffing, I tried to stop the next few tears from falling. "That would just prove to them they got to me."

    Zander smiled. "That's the ticket. Show them you're stronger! Which you are and then some."

    Nathan laughed out loud. "Dude! Give it a rest now. She's taken."

    Zander just shrugged. "I will never given up or given in willingly." He gave me a devilish smirked and I giggle. Then his face fell looking passed my head.

    I followed his eyes and smiled brightly before I jumped out of my seat running as quickly as I could to the giant doors. He caught me instantly and we held each other tight in a wonderful hug. My worries slipping away from me as I held him tight.

    "I missed you so much." He whispered softly into my ear.

    "I bet I missed you more."

    He chuckled as he pulled back but frowned as he cupped my cheek and wiped something away from under my eye. "That bad?"

    I nodded to Marek but said nothing.

    He tucked me under his arm and we went back to our section of the table. Marek only let go of me to hug Nathan and nod to Zander who didn't look so happy to see Marek. I think Zander was pouting because he now had to really share me with his rival. They were only still rivals where I was concerned.

      By the end of the day, everyone of our group was back. The terrible thoughts of my family were gone, and I just thought of now and the rest of the school year. Their happiness and stories about their thanksgiving made me forget mine. My friends were more than a blessing to me.

~~Kathleen's Point Of View~~

    I stared at her as hate boiled in my veins. His hand is on her waist and she's loving it. That should be my waist he holds like that. I should be the one receiving his smiles and adoring looks. Not HER!!!

    Even with this hate, I smiled. Yes, I smiled. Soon he will being doing all that to me and not her. Soon I will have all I desired. Marek. He will be mine.

    My hand grazed the book next to my plate.

    I had spent a lot of time in the library since the beginning of the year looking for anything that could help me. Anything at all and I found it. Just before I left for Thanksgiving I grabbed this book in hope of finding something in it. Boy was I glad to read of a potion that would do just the trick.

    It wasn't just a potion either. No, that just wouldn't do it alone. I had needed something stronger. Something that could hold for months till I didn't need the potion any longer. Before all he saw was me and not her.

    He was going to be mine. She didn't need him anyways. She had my counterpart sitting next to her begging for some time with her like a love sick fool. They were all fools to want anything to do with her. She's not even half the woman I am.

    Soon Marek will see that. He will be mine before the calendar year is out. The potion would only need two weeks to cure and that will give me time to get the final ingredient before he's mine. No one knows of my plan and no one can stop it.

~~Hope's Point Of View~~

    I smiled at Marek as he took me to my room for the night. We walked inside and he spun me to his chest and kissed me. I giggled before kissing back making him smile.

    Marek broke the kiss and placed his forehead against mine. "I had been worried about you the whole time. My mom was a bit beside herself knowing you were near Darek."

    I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped me in his arms. "All I thought was coming back here so you could hold me." I looked up at him. "You're the one I trust the most."

    He smiled. "And I will do everything I can to never have you doubt your trust in me." He leaned down and kissed me gently making my heart skip a beat at his deep feelings for me. There would never be doubt in my mind of his feelings for me.

Starr Academy: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now