Starr Academy: Year Two- Chapter 11

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    Marek and I held hands as we walked up to Headmistress Alexi’s office. It was an hour after the counterpart process had begun. I was nervous about what she would say about my anxiety toward the battles. I knew she’d be sympathetic and understanding.

    Marek squeezed my hand. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Just relax.”

    I shyly smiled up at him. “With you with me, there’s nothing to worry about.”

    He smiled. We stopped in front of the Headmistress’s office, he leaned over to give me a quick kiss. Then he knocked for me. I did feel more relaxed with his kiss.

    I blushed a little just before the door opened. Theo smiled from on the other side of the door. "Welcome. Come in." He stepped aside as he motioned for us to enter. Marek had to push me a little with his hand on my lower back. I was that nervous.

    He took us over to the lounging area of the large room. Headmistress Alexi was there with her feet up on one of the sofas. A soothing fire burning in the fireplace. I didn't feel so nervous feeling the warmth of the fire and how the headmistress was.

    Headmistress Alexi looked up from the document she was reading and smiled at Marek and I. "Afternoon Hope...Marek. Have a seat and be comfortable."

    We both did as instructed and my eyes wandered around to the artwork that was hanging in this lounge area. They were beautiful all of them. Each showing a different element. Even the advanced elements in their own way.

    One of an air element woman. Her hair twirled upon itself lifting up into the sky. A whirlwind swirling around her but you saw her clearly. Her yoga pants starting to scrunch up on either side of her legs. The duster draped over her top floating about her as if it were alive. Eyes that of the sky on a clear day. The painting looked alive as if it were just a snapshot of time.

    The one for fire was like looking at a human phoenix rising from the ground. A fire licking off his clothes and his skin. His hair was wild with a fury and passion only a fire wielder could handle. His eyes were such a glorious shade of molten golden amber that matched his element.

    Water's portrait was sweet in it's way. A woman cast upon a rock and the water slightly curving away from her as if it were bowing in respect. Her hair was dark as it was wet. Her outfit clung to her and gave the illusion that she herself was a mermaid. Her eyes an aquamarine color.

     Earth was depicted as a strong man. Built fully. He was standing on top of what looked to be a huge mountain. His hand resting on a tree. Vines twisting around his forearm. He was rooted and strong as his green eyes showed how steadfast he was.

    The one that represented light was a woman who had her eyes closed and her head tilted up to the sun. The light of the sun seemed to seep into her skin and illuminate her 'third' eye. That part of her forehead was lighter and more radiant than the others.

    Life was of another woman who had a kind of light emanating from within her hands. Her hand touching a person that looking to be suffering. The light reaching out to the person whose face was masked and dark. Their identity unknown to the observer.

    A man shrouded in shadows represented darkness. His eyes giving off a eerie purple and navy blue glow. It was as if he was in the dark and saw everything. Only a master of the dark element can see in pure darkness.

    The final element painting was that of death. Another man. One holding a staff. A somber look upon his face as he knelt before an unknown person. The person looked like they were dead. His free hand stretched out to a ghostly looking person that looked like the one on the ground. His eyes were a mix between lavender and a soft blue with wisps of emerald green. He wasn't looking to the body on the ground but the wispy ghost. His gaze almost comforting.

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