Starr Academy: Year Two- Chapter 18

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    “Whatcha reading?”

    I glanced up to see Zander grinning over my shoulder. “Aren’t you supposed to be in your seat for the flight?”

    He chuckled and shrugged. “Just curious as you’ve been reading that book for the past few days.”

    Shaking my head at him, I bookmarked my place and showed him the cover. Unexplained Events, the study and theory behind events of Halloween in our magical world. I had found it in the library the other day last week. The memory of the mirror scene still playing in my mind from Halloween morning. I wanted to find an answer or see if anyone else as experienced something like that too.

    Zander raised his eyebrows at me. “Thinking about your ancestor lately?”

    I shrugged. “A little.”

    Marek put his phone down and looked at Zander. “You better not try anything over Thanksgiving.”

    Zander held up his hands. “I know, I know. I’m not to make a move on Hope less you get me back for it later. Our competition for Hope’s affections is supposed to be a clean one. Yada yada yada.”

    Giggling, I shook my head at them. At least they’ve been on the same page for this year. Zander knew Marek and I were a couple and respected that for the most part. He plays as if he doesn’t care I’m with Marek, but at least he hasn’t tried to kiss me this year. He respected me not to try. Zander was ten times better this year without the dark spirit of his ancestor inside of him.

    “Oh, and watch out for Hope’s cousin.” Marek grimaced. “She can be very forward.”

    I snorted very unlady like. “Last year my cousin cornered Marek and groped him.”

    “She insulted you too. Called you plain which you are not. Plain and you aren’t even in the same room let alone in the same city.”

    Zander gagged. “Too sweet.” He croaked out before smiling at me. “Why don’t you dump this lame loser and go out with me?”

    I pouted. “Be nice.”

    Marek rolled his eyes. “He is. You know he says that every week in hopes you’d finally do it.”

    “Sorry sir, but you need to take your seat. We are about to make our descend into BWI.” Marek smirked at Zander as he had to sit down and buckle up again.

    I placed my book back into my carry-on and placed it under the seat in front of me like you’re supposed to. Marek took my hand smiling at me. “Sorry we can’t have Thanksgiving together this year.” He shook his head. “Why did my family have to decide on celebrating this year?”

    Laying my head on his shoulder, he kissed my hair. “Maybe they thought I’d come with you.”

    He nodded. “My mom’s going to beyond disappointed I’m not bringing you with me.”

    I pouted tilting my head to look at him. “Sorry, but I always go to see my family for Thanksgiving. It’s our family tradition.”

    He sighed. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

    Leaning up, I gave him a soft kiss. “As I will miss you. We’ll just be apart for at most four days.”

    “Four of the longest days.”

    “They will go fast. Before you know it, we’ll be back in each other’s arms.”

    He sighed pulling me closer. “Just don’t take anything your family says to heart. They know not the brilliant world they deny themselves and you accept.”

Starr Academy: Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now