Chapter 26: The Endless Wallet has Ended!

Start from the beginning

"By donations!" Kai told him. "And Sensei's tea shop!" He paused, thinking. A grin lit his face. "And by your money!"

Jay frowned and tapped his foot. "And what happens when they stop giving donations?"

Kai's grin got bigger. "They won't! My fans love me!" He pulled out his phone and took a selfie, with the stressed Jay in the background and Lloyd, who was doing bunny ears on his head. He posted it.

"See!" Kai showed the picture. "Look how many likes!"

There was over five million.

"And if I ask them for money..." Kai mumbled, tapping on his screen. Nya snatched away his phone.

"Don't you dare!"

"Okay," Jay agreed. "Well, what happens if Sensei tea shop goes out of business?"

"It won't!"I argued. "My information informs me that his tea shop needs extra orders already!"

Lloyd smirked and giggled to Kai. "His information informs. " Kai cackled. They'd both snickered quietly in the corner, evilly, until Nya slapped them.

"OKAY!" Jay said exasperated. "What happens if my wallet runs out of money?!"

"That endless pit?" Cole asked, surprised, licking his cake lined fingers. Where did he get that cake!?

"Which reminds me," Lloyd smirked. He placed his hand in his back pocket and pulled out a blue wallet with lightning bolts. "Is this yours, Jay?"

Jay nodded. Kai winced. "Well....We needed new money for Fist2Face4"

"WHAT!?" Jay freaked. "See? This is exactly why I need a job! You guys use all my money!"

Nya tried to calm Jay down. "I'm sure there joking, Jay. Breathe in, breathe out! Remember the fans and Sensei's tea shop money? Besides, they didn't use all your money!"

Kai winced again. "Actually-"

Ember put her hand over Kai's mouth and before anyone could move, she said, "lick my hand and you die!"

Cole oohed. "Ooo! Threats." Kai nodded quickly.

Jay nosed the air. "I have an interview in ten minutes! And nobody is stopping me!" He puffed toward the door.

He walked into the door.

Lloyd chuckled. "Except for the door, maybe!"

"Zip it, Lloydi-kins!"

We all were quiet as Jay left.

Nya clenched her fist. "I don't know what's going on in Jays head," she admitted, "but we cannot let him get this job!"

"Yes," I agreed.

We must stop him. At any cost.


Alligators here.

Question: who's POV should I do next?? And why?

I'm thinking Jays.......


Comment and tell me what you think! :)

Please. I read everyone's comments!!

And I love feedback!


Funny thing just happened. These stupid immature kids on my bus were throwing a bun in a bag around the bus. I got mad and uh....well....I smacked the bag super hard on the kids head in front of me, like maybe too hard....and uh....and the uh.....kinda? Okay fine. It super exploded like CABAM! Exploded, and the bread went all over him, and the person behind me. I guess it was a really hard hit.

It was so funny. I'm still laughing.

So, never get me mad, people! You will end up with bread crumbs down your backs and ham in your hair.

The best thing was that the bread crumbs and ham only went on him and the guy behind me. It totally missed me. So I ended up having a kid in front of me in pain and shock and ready to cry, covered in an old bun - which wasn't mine or his....btw..... and the guy behind me in shock going "WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED?" With ham on his shoulder and bread crumbs all over him.

It was hilarious.

I am laughing. Hahahah.

Please though. Comment!


Serves him right.

I get mad. I hit you hard and make the bag explode.

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