14. Burial

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Tai's POV

Phoenix, Aunty Tinsley's mate had jumped in front of me and took the blow from the Alpha. He died instantly. I think the reason he did it was because his mate had been in a coma for so long, he couldn't handle it anymore. His wolf had gone a long time ago so he was pretty much gone himself.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Beta of the pack start sniffing the air and then he slowly started walking towards us.

"Stand down" I yelled at the Beta.

"Mate" he said quietly.

"Get off my land" I yelled at the pack.

Violet's POV

I had the worst sleep, my bed still had the scent of Sebastian and that was comforting but I couldn't bare the fact that he was actually gone.

I jolted awake when I heard my bedroom door being closed. I looked and it was Tai. I burst into tears, he rushed over to me and brought me into his arms.

I cried into his chest and he hugged me tightly.

"They're gone Vi. They'll be back but for now they're gone"

"Why did this have to happen to me?" I sobbed.

"I found my mate"

My cried softened and I looked up at him.

"Who is she?"

"I have no idea but she's beautiful. She accompanied your mate to the ball"

"Tia?!" I asked him shocked.

"Tia" he murmured. "Anyways tomorrow we are doing a burial for Sebastian and Phoenix"

"Uncle Phoenix?" I cried.

"I'm sorry Vi. Your mate, he... He tried to kill me. Phoenix jumped in front of me and saved my life. I just don't think that he was handling everything with Tinsley very well after all these years"

I nodded my head and continued to cry over the loss of our pack members. I was usually so strong but this.. This was all too much.

Why did the moon goddess have to hate me?

I woke and the sun was blinding in my eyes. I was alone and cuddling up to a pillow.

Today we were to bury Phoenix and Sebastian.

I lazily walked to the bathroom and did everything I had to do to get ready.

I was ready in around an hour, ready to bury important people in my life.


We did the ceremony outside to really embrace the nature surrounding us. It puts our wolves at ease.

"Today we say goodbye to two beautiful pack members. Phoenix Adams and Sebastian Kors. They both fought till the very end"

The man that was conducting the ceremony kept speaking about Seb and Phoenix but all I could think about was Alpha Reid and his horrible pack. I never wanted to be apart of that. I looked out towards the woods and saw a pair of eyes looking back at me.

It wasn't the Alpha. It wasn't my mate.

It was now time to bury Seb under ground and I couldn't take it anymore. I fell to the ground and started sobbing hysterically.

My mum pulled me to her chest and I cried. Cried for Seb. Cried for Phoenix. This was all my fault. They'd still be alive if it weren't for me. Seb had a mate out there somewhere and now she would be left without her true mate. Hopefully the moon goddess has plans for her.

They lowered Seb's coffin to the ground and I reached out to grab him.

"No! Don't take him away from me! I need him! Please no! SEB" I screamed.

The pack members had their heads lowered in sadness and nobody spoke a word. All that was heard was the sounds of my screams.

Once Seb was lowered into the ground I ran towards the woods and shifted. I howled in loss of my best friend. My wolf and Seb's wolf were so close so she had disconnected herself from me for a while so she could mourn.

I ran to the stream that was at the border of our territory and stared at my reflection. My wolf.. She looked so sad. I was so sad.

A wolf showed up in the reflection behind me and I growled threateningly knowing that it wasn't from our pack.

He bowed his head in submission and went behind a tree to shift. I shifted as well and was standing there naked.

"Diego? What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't go back to the territory. Alpha Reid told me to come and collect you" he said looking away from my naked body. I grabbed a shirt from one of the trees nearby that are always there in case of situations like this.

"Well I'm not going back. He killed my best friend and my uncle"

"My mate is here. I can smell her, not very strongly but she's here"

"What is with our two packs and having mates? Geez. I wish Seb was my mate and he was still here with me"

"No! You were born to be our Luna" Diego whined.

"I'm not going to be his Luna. Not now"

"Please give him a chance"

"You said that before Diego"

"If you hadn't of run off this wouldn't have happened"


I heard a growl from behind me and saw Tai, dad and Jace.

"Stop guys. He's fine"

'He's on our territory Violet. Don't forget who's Alpha here' Tai spoke in my mind.

'His mate is here Tai. Let him get here and then he'll leave'

'To hell he will! He's from that murderous pack'

Tai shifted as well as my dad and Jace and they all put a pair of shorts on and walked towards Diego.

"Get off my territory now before I end your life" Tai threatened Diego.

A random wolf from the pack ran towards us and he had a determined look on his face.

"Alpha I'm sorry to disturb but it's Tinsley"

"What about her?" Tai asked.

Everyone was so focused on what this boy was saying. Even Diego.

"She's.. She's waking up"

Everyone was shocked.

Tinsley.. She... She's waking up.

After 18 years.

So sorry that this is so short guys!! What do you think is going to happen next?? Love reading all your comment! 8 comments for the next chapter xxxx

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