11. Bipolar

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I hopped out of the tub feeling clean and refreshed. I wrapped a towel around myself and went to find my mate.

I sniffed the air and his scent led to his office.

I opened his door and he was working at his desk. I coughed to get his attention and he looked up at me, his eyes turning black.

He walked over to me, not taking his eyes away from me.

He pulled me into his office, slamming me against the door. I heard the click of the lock and he growled.

"What are you doing?" He muffled against my neck.

"I should ask you the same question"

"Get dressed"


"Cause I will take you right here, right now"

I blushed beet red and he stepped away from me, his face going blank like it usually is.

"Go" he ordered huskily.

I quickly unlocked the door, opened it, and ran back to the bedroom.

I got my undergarments on and pulled on Alpha Reed's pants and his shirt. His clothes were so comforting.

There was a knock on the bedroom door and I opened it expecting it to be the Alpha but instead got someone else. A girl.

She pulled me into a hug. What the hell.

"Sorry. I'm Maybelle, I'm Reid's sister! I'm so glad that he found you"

"I'm not" I mumbled.

She chuckled and shook her head.

"He's a great guy once you get to know him"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What are you doing here anyways?"

"I came to see my new friend. What's your name?"

"My name's Violet"

"Violet you're so pretty"

"Uh thanks"

"I'm sorry about the way that Reid is acting towards you"

"I don't want your pity" I spat at her.

"Woah calm down Luna"

"I want to go home and see my family"

"Reid won't let you go. He's scared that you will leave him for good"

"No he's scared that he won't have powerful pups if I leave"

She sighed and shook her head.

"I'm trying to be your friend here"

"I'm sorry Maybelle. I just miss my pack and my family so much"

"What about if I can convince Reid to let you visit?"

"You can do that?" I said excitedly.

"I can try"

"No Maybelle" I heard Alpha Reid yell from down the hall.

"Reid please" Maybelle yelled back at her brother.

Her Cruel MateUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum