6. Cells

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This was Alpha Reid's mother. Why was she here?

"Why are you here?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you that darling. It has to be my son to tell you"

I sighed and she reached through the silver bars and touched my face lightly.

"You're such a beautiful girl. So strong too"

"I was the head warrior at my old pack"

"Wow very strong like Reid. You're the perfect match for my son"

"He doesn't seem to think so"

"He's just hurting dear. Once you break through to his soft side he will love you"

"He hates me. He doesn't want me as his mate"

"He's had a tough life. Sorry what's your name sweetheart. So rude of me to not ask earlier"

"My name is Violet"

"Violet.. He'll come around one day"

"I just don't know if I can wait around for that day"

"I'm sorry that he's put you here"


"Maybe you'll get treatment because you are the future Luna but we get half a loaf of bread and a glass of water to last us through the week.

I looked at her as if she had lied and she looked away in sadness.

"That can't be true. Alpha Reid wouldn't do that to you would he? To his own mother?"

"He doesn't think of me as his mother dear. Get some rest. You'll need it"


I woke up after a horrible nights sleep and Alpha Reid was standing at the gate of my cell. Once he saw that I was awake he opened it and walked towards me. I stood up and he pushed me into the wall.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm getting out of here" I said moving out of his way and towards the exit. He grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me back towards him. I ended up facing him with my hands on his chest. I looked up at him and he was breathing heavily.

He glanced down towards my lips and licked his own. He wanted to kiss me. He wanted me.

I leaned up towards him and his eyes widened. He pushed me off of him and stood on my chest.

"What the f*ck do you think you're doing bitch?"

"I thought-"

"Well you thought wrong"

"Why would I want to kiss someone like you? You're weak, you're ugly. You're not worthy enough to be my mate"

"I am not weak" I yelled.

"Look at you. You're on the ground in a cell"

"Reid" Linda called out to her son.

He glared at stared at his mother.

"What do you want? What gives you the right to talk to me?"

"Reid, I'm still your mother"

"And Linda I could still kill you"

He really was a monster.

"Let her go please Reid. She's your mate. She doesn't deserve this"

He looked away from her, ignoring her presence and looked back at me.

"Get up" he said taking his foot off of me.

I stood up and he grabbed a fistful of my hair.

"If you would just submit to me and do as I say you wouldn't get punished" he spat in my face.

"I was raised in a pack where we are all equals. None of this submissive bullshit. I'm not going to change my ways for a stupid Alpha like you" I spat back in his face.

His eyes turned black and he let go of my hair. He turned away from me and I thought he was going to leave but he quickly turned around and hit me square in the face with his knuckles.

I stumbled back from the blow and he kicked me in the stomach, sending me flying back against the wall. He grabbed my head and slammed it against the wall until blood started oozing everywhere.

He let go of me and I stood against the wall trying to stay upright. If I fell to the floor it would have showed that I was weak and I was far from weak. I could take whatever he was going to give to me. I wasn't raised to be submissive. I was raised to fight and be dominant. I was raised to be the best. I was not going down without a fight.

I will take you down Alpha Reid.

Another short one, I'm sorry! But I'm still trying to upload around the new year! Hope you all have a great finish to 2015 and an even better 2016! Love you all Xx

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