06| The Departure

Start from the beginning

"What, why are you two looking for Thea?" She asked when she glanced over at the computer screen.

"Because I don't think she is where she says she is." Roy admitted the truth that had been torturing him the past few months.

"Why would she lie?" She asked, and I elbowed Roy to push him into admitting the full truth. then he slowly pulled the note reluctantly out of his pocket and handed it to Felicity.

"Roy, Oliver needs to see this." She argued after reading the note.

"No." Roy responded firmly. "This is my fault. He's going to kill me."

"What if she's in trouble? What if she's not? What if she just needs space? She's had five months and thousands of miles of space."

"That's what I've been telling him." I said crossing my arms. "Oliver needs to see this."

"Exactly you need to show it to him." Felicity responded as she also crossed her arms.

" I can't believe that you two are ganging up on me." Roy said with a pout as he sat down on the computer chair.


"Oliver, I'm opening up the file now." Felicity said next to me a s she opened the file that they just discussed over the microphone.

"Is that him?" Laurel asked as she entered the room.

"Simon Lacroix." Felicity said as she pulled up a picture of our guy. "Born in Saint-Sophie, Quebec. Raised by a single mom. Terrible credit score. Oh, and wanted for murder in seven countries."

"I need his location." Oliver said now on the move. Reading the guys profile I realized that Oliver might need some back up, but there was no way I would get to them on time, since they were on the other side of the city.

"Put him on speaker." Laurel commanded, and I pressed the key allowing all of us to hear their conversation.

"Ok, indexing all active burner cell phones within the city limits." Felicity said clicking away at the keys. "I got him. He's on the move."

"I found Lacroix." Oliver informed after a while a anticipation.

"I need to see what's happening." Laurel replied pacing back and forth across the room.

"Ok. Blowing up street camera feed." Felicity said under her breath as she pulled up the street footage. and we watched as the two archers chased each other into a deserted street, and began a shooting arrows at one other as the rode their motorcycles in show down form. Suddenly, we saw as Lacroix shot Oliver in the shoulder, as he tumbled into the street.

"Come on, Ollie." I said a when he wasn't getting up. I began to nervously bite my nails, a bad habit that I have recently gotten myself into. Not like I cared much for my nails anyways.

"Get up!" Laurel exclaimed next to me, her anger building up.

"Oliver? Are you ok? Oliver?" Felicity asked anxiously.

"He got away." Oliver communicated as he picked himself of the floor causing Laurel slammed her fist into the table and walked away.


With the information that Laurel gave us Felicity was able to uncover the oil deal with Amertek Industries, and figure out Lacroix's next target, Tom Westin.

"You will not believe where he's headed." Felicity muttered as she pulled up the invitation list for the Palmer Industries charity event. With this new information Laurel sighed and began to walk out of the hideout.

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