I look into the lobby before stepping through. I walk up to the desk and ring a bell placed there, holding a sign written in ugly handwriting: ring bell 4 service. I thought people only substituted for for 4 on text. I roll my eyes.

"Yes?" An elderly woman emerges from the back room.

"Could I have a room here?"

"No kid! Now scram!" she shouts at me. I huff and flick her the finger.

She narrows her eyes and picks me up. Then she quite literally takes a foot to my behind and kicks me out the door. I stumble on the pavement, trying in vain to regain my balance only to pitifully on my face. My sword falls underneath my leg, so it's impossible to see. I blink away the haze and attempt to stand, only to be pushed down again by rough hands that slam my nose into the gravel. I feel the now familiar weight of my backpack leave my shoulders.

"Hey!" I shout indignantly. "Give it back!"

Something cocks in my ear and I feel something round and metallic glue itself to my neck. I stiffen at the gun's presence.

"Stay down!" a masculine voice demands.

The straps of the bag are hauled off my arms haphazardly, scratching my skin in his hurry. The metal is removed from my neck, and I feel my body relax ever so slightly.

Footsteps hurry away. I spring up. All my money is in that bag. I can't go anywhere without it. I spot him dashing around a corner about a block away. My sword bangs against my leg as I race after him. I'm very glad that this celestial bronze stick was not visible when he mugged me. Who knows what it looks like in the mist. I turn the corner and sprint into what must be an alley of sorts, it's very confined with trash littered everywhere.

The man is at the other end of the alley. He stops at the sound of my voice. He turns around. I see that he is not really a man, but just boy around my age. Maybe a little bit older. 11 or so. He has sandy blond hair and blue eyes. A boy my age, someone who could possibly be my friend, mugged me. He just mugged me. He's going to pay.

I do the natural thing. I charge him. My fists are raised. Since he's mortal, my sword will be useless. For some odd reason I notice that his eyes hook onto my belt, right where my sword is banging against my leg. For a split second I wonder what he sees attached to my belt. But he's mortal, so who cares what it is in his eyes?

But it must to him, because he's frozen to the ground. It's like he's grown roots. He doesn't even try to run from my murderous face. So tackling him to the ground is much easier than expected. Even as I begin to punch the living guys out of him, he doesn't move a muscle. I on the hand, am relentless. I pound his face till it's black and blue and it's all he can do to croak out, "You're a demigod."

This halts me. I look at him, confused.

"I'm one too."

I look into his bruised face. "What—"

Air and scorch whip past my ear. I leap up from my position on top of the boy. I don't even bother to draw my sword neatly, instead I rip it out, belt loop and all.

"Who are you! Show yourself!" I yell into the now dark alley. Why did I chase the idiot in here? Everyone knows that murders occur in alleys at night.

"Tsk, tsk, Camille. You really do need to work on your aim. You want to try again? Just a little more to the left this time and you'll get," says a tutting voice from behind me. I spin on my heel to find two high school aged girls standing by the wall in miniskirts and high heels.

I lower my sword slightly. Are these what monsters look like? For real? A fireball seems to form on the hand of the one on the right. She stands with a devilish smile on her face and her eyes boring into me. The one on the left stands with her hip cocked and a snooty look on her face. But then my eyes glance downwards and I startle in surprise. One of each their legs is furry with hooves, while the other one looks to be made of pure metal. My first thought is: how do they walk in high heels? My second is this: dang, empousai.

"Ugh, Camille," complains the one on the left. "Kill her already. She must know it's rude to stare."

The one on the right, Camille, nods and flings the ball of fire at my face. I freeze on the spot, not processing what's happening.

"Move!" the boy shouts.

The word flings me into action. I dive just as the fire is about to disintegrate me in flames. Then my instincts take over. As Camille does a clicking sound with her mouth and starts to lunge at me, fangs bared, I catch her in the stomach with the tip of my sword and she disintegrates immediately. Meanwhile, the boy has taken on the other empousa. They curse each other in Greek as she lunges and he slices with a sword that seems to have come from nowhere.

I watch in what I admit to be admiration, as they try to destroy each other. Finally the empousa manages to land a blow to his head and the boy falls to the ground. Before she can kill him, I call out, "Hey! You! Your so ugly Tartarus wants a refund!"

I don't exactly know why I called this out. For some reason I was feeling strangely loyal to this boy who had mugged me and left me to scour for scraps in the sewer. I guess that what was going through my mind at the moment was this: he mugged me. Not you. I want to have a turn to beat him up. So he can't die. Not yet.

So that's how I found myself faced with one of the angriest monsters in the world. Rage seemed to boil underneath her skin and makeup. You could feel the bubbles churn from miles away. But then for some reason her look softened ever so slightly.

"Daughter of Zeus. Thalia Grace. I have been waiting to meet you for a long time. I'd love to sit a chat a little, but it's seems that you've killed my trainee. I really don't know what else to do about that but kill—" Her voice hiccups and disappears. And then she disappears. Standing behind her, sword raised in a striking position is the boy. His sandy hair has fallen over his eyes and his clothes are scorched from the fire. He looks at me from over top of the swirling dust. He lowers his sword and holds out his right hand.

"Luke," he states simply.

After a wary moment, I take it. "Thalia. Just, Thalia."

He cracks a smile. Then, as if remembering something, he turns around. He drags something black from among the trash and scattered dust. My back pack. He hands it too me. "Sorry about earlier." I take the scorched and burnt bag and sling it over my shoulder.

Then I punch him in the arm.

"You do that again and you're a dead boy."

He grins.

I admit it. I had to look up so may different things for this one shot. I'm a horrible fangirl. I couldn't even remember how old they were. What is wrong with my brain? Am I — gasp — becoming sensible? NOOOOOO!!!

Oh yes, and for anyone who can tell me who the other empousa is in this shot, you get cookies. 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪(sadly they are not blue. There should be a line of Percy Jackson emojis. I feel like those would sell like hot cakes.)

Also, I have wifi at my house now!!!! I also realize my warning about not updating was pointless, since I've stuck to my "schedule".

Anyways, keep being AMAZHANG (I've used that in this book more times then I can count — sorry. But stoll, be amazhang)

(Vomment & fan)

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