House of Doubt/House of Videos

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"What if we don't win this time?" Alfie asked Willow, the two of them walking together outside.

"Why would you ask that?"

"I'm just thinking...there's never any guarantee we'll win. What if our last mystery actually means our last-"

"-Alfie," Willow frowned. "That's not going to happen."

Alfie stopped in his tracks, and Willow walked a few feet ahead before stopping to turn and face him when he said, "But you don't know that. All those other times, we could've just Been really really lucky."

"Well doubting doesn't help, does it?" Willow walked straight over to her husband. "Alfie, I was stuck in the dream state for who knows how long, and if I have enough fight left in me, and you have enough fight left for me and everyone else, don't tell me that you really believe all those other times it was just luck."

Alfie gave a gentle nod.

Nina was in the restroom, staring in the mirror. She reached at her chain and pulled out the Eye of Horus from under her blouse, and then pulled it up over her head and around her hair. She held the locket in her left hand and combed her fingers through her hair with her right.

"What do you do to stay alive when you're not sure you're going to survive?" she asked herself aloud.

"Fight," a voice whispered in her head.

"Okay, but how?"

"Fight," it repeated.

"I need a little more help than that!" Nina rubbed her forehead. "Here I am arguing with the voices in my head in a bathroom."

"Let her know, Chosen One. Your time is almost done."

"My time is almost done," Nina muttered to herself. "What, like I'm going to die?"

"Let her know, Chosen One. A new hour has nearly begun."

"Let who know?! What hour?!" Nina yelled out. But then it came clear to here as though it was her job to know. Perhaps it was. And she knew what she had to do.

Later on in the day, Fabian spotted Nina and Eddie off discussing something in private and judging by their expressions, it seemed to be something of a serious matter.

"Hey, what's going on?" Fabian asked, walking over to them in the foyer.

Nina and Eddie glanced at eachother.

"Nothing," Eddie replied.

"Are you sure?" Fabian interrogated suspiciously.

"Chosen One and Osirion stuff," Nina explained, not making eye contact. Although she did look Fabian in the eye to say, "We just need some privacy."

"Yeah..." Fabian nodded. "Yeah." With that, he left their presence.

"So, you're sure that's what the voice meant?" Eddie reconfirmed.

"Yes," Nina told him. "And I need some way to pass the message on to whomever it may be."

" works...if you make a video, you can say everything in that."

"Let's make a video then."

Eddie ended up stealing Fabian's camera for the time being, and him and Nina headed out to the Frobisher library where they'd film. They got themselves inside, and Eddie made a stack of the leftover books to set the camera up, facing where Nina sat.

"Ready?" Eddie asked.

Nina nodded. Eddie began rolling.

"Hello. Nina here." Nina made a large breath on camera before proceeding. "I guess it would be quite an introduction to say that today is the day...I die...

But don't worry. I'm ready for it. And I've been through enough to know that it's okay. That it always turns out okay. But I'm not here to tell you about why or how I die..Instead, this video is about why I'm telling you.

You will have so much trouble coming to terms with who you really are. Trust me, I know what it's like, and I know it'll take a long time to accept it. But there has always been this concept of Egyptian mythology. And you know, turns out the Egyptians were right. I have seen those gods for myself, and you will to. And I've fought gods, and I've fought alongside gods, and part of the reason I exist - part of the reason you exist is because of the gods.

You're the Chosen One, just like me. The responsibility has now been passed to you, and so it's time to save the world...I have this locket-" Nina held the locket up in her hand, "-and it is the Eye of Horus. And this is made for you, only for you to use, to wear, to hide. That is until you find someone you can trust.

And it'll be your time to save the world, just like it was mine. It'll be your time to solve mysteries just like my friends and I did. It's your turn. It's your destiny, and you can't walk away from it. Believe me, I've tried.

Of course, you won't be alone. There's this person called the Osirion. He's here to protect you, and once you find him, you don't let him go. Both of you should protect eachother and work together no matter how much of opposites you might be, because I promise you he'll turn out to be one of the best people you could ever have. That way you're not alone.

And find friends you can trust. They'll save you in the long run, I'm sure of it. Friends who you know can keep your secret, friends who you know can help you through anything, and they don't have to be the best and most perfect people in the world. They just have to be there. And you there for them.

And finally, perhaps one of the most important things, is what I'm passing down to you, and the Osirion, and the close friends you find. My friends and I formed this group called Sibuna. It's Anubis backwards since the house we stayed in at our boarding school many years ago was called Anubis, after the Egyptian god. But the point is that this group should be the stronghold of your life. This will be the group that gets you through every mystery, every world-saving moment, every puzzle you face, and you'll be more than thankful to call yourself a member of Sibuna. I'm officially indicting you as the first member of the next generation of Sibuna. And I hope you find more people willing to stand by your side."

Nina raised her right hand over her right eye. "Sibuna."

With that, Eddie turned the camera off, and the tears came pouring from Nina's eyes. Eddie hurried over to her and held her tightly.

"I'm not sad," Nina sobbed. "I'm not sad."

Eddie pulled away for a moment to look at Nina's face where she gave a fake smile. But all the same, it was still a sad smile.

"Yes you are." Eddie held her even tighter in his arms.

About half of that chapter was Nina's "passing-of-the-torch" style video. I didn't want to make it too heartbreaking, so yeah that's how it went. I don't know though, I'm really kind of sad myself thinking about all they've been through, not only in my stories but also the television show, no matter how long ago it was. And other HOA fanfics as well.

But anyway, for the time being, here is the discussion questions.

Do you think Alfie has a right to be doubtful of Sibuna?

Do you think it was right for Nina to make the video?

Until next time, Aristocrats!

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