House of Kidnap/House of Rain

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"Alfie has been in that bathroom for an awful long time," Joy noticed.

"Shouldn't have eaten the shrimp," Patricia muttered, shaking her head.

"I don't think it's the shrimp," Nina finally realized, her eye widening.

She took off towards the bathrooms, followed by the rest of Sibuna, and Jerome just stood up out of his seat. Before he was out of earshot, Fabian yelled to Jerome, "Get the paper in the plant!"

Jerome glanced over at the fake plant Fabian had referenced. The lady from the Secret Society's table was approaching, discreetly pulling out something from her purse so that only Jerome could see it. She had. Pocket knife with her which threatened Jerome if he tried to retrieve it.

Jerome stayed put as the lady took the slip of paper and headed off on her way.

"Oh, what am I doing with my life?" Jerome asked himself as he decided to go after her for the others.

Meanwhile, the other Sibuna members went straight for the men's restroom, the women not even hesitating just because it was for males.

"Alfie!" they started to call.

They tried to check every stall, all of them unoccupied, but Alfie was nowhere to be found.

"They took, Alfie," Nina swallowed.

"Unfair," Joy cried. "That was my date. Why couldn't it been someone who's date wanted them to disappear like Jerome?"

"Hey, I might hate him right now, but I'd never want the society to kidnap him!" Amber defended.

"That's not the issue right now," Fabian declared. "We have a person missing, and that's all that matters."

"Can't we arrest Perry for this?" Eddie asked. "Can't we arrest him for kidnapping?"

"We need him out of jail, Doofus," Patricia replied.

Eddie rolled his eyes and moaned. "Ok, let's just get back to Anubis house and figure something out."

They hurried out the restaurant, going straight for Eddie and Joy's car as rain began to drizzle down. But they realized that their cars had gone missing.

"First my date and then my car," Joy groaned. "This is unacceptable."

"We still have to get back to Anubis house-" Nina began.

"-wait, we're walking, aren't we?" Amber figured. "Walking. Amber doesn't do walking in the rain in these heels."

"Then strut," Patricia mockingly advised as she began heading in the direction of the house. The others followed behind, and eventually, so did Amber.

By the time they made it on campus, it was raining much harder than intended, and they went inside the house soaking wet. They paid the babysitter who informed them the children were asleep and then left, and they all stood in the foyer.

"Hair, ruined," Amber complained. "Dress, ruined. Shoes, ruined! They better be glad I was wearing waterproof makeup or they would be in the hospital tomorrow."

"Let's just dry off and change clothes and meet back up before we go to bed," Nina told them.

When they met back up in that same area, Fabian asked, "Hey, aren't we forgetting something?"

The others thought a bit and most of them simultaneously exclaimed, "Jerome!"

Amber let out a groan. "Even his name is poison to my soul."

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