House of Children/House of Stones

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Amber called Nina and Patricia to all meet in her and Nina's room where she closed the door. She smiled at Nina and Patricia, leaving them confused until she finally began to speak.

"You know how we made that Sistery?" Amber asked.

"It really wasn't that long ago," Patricia shook her head.

"Yeah, so," Amber continued, "I was thinking we keep it up. You know how it's up to Trudes to find the last member of the society who'll serve as the 'sacrifice'?" Amber used quotations with her fingers. "Well, it'll be up to the Sistery to ensure she doesn't recruit anyone."

"That's actually not a bad idea," Nina admitted.

"Beautiful, and I have brains," Amber bragged. "What more could a girl need?"

Patricia raised her eyebrows.

Before Patricia could say anything, Nina told her, "Don't say anything if you don't have something nice to say."

"I won't," Patricia replied.

"Maybe we can get Joy in on it too," Nina suggested.

"Joy in on what?"

Joy happened to be passing by their room as they mentioned her name. She opened the door and peeked inside before allowing her entire body inside.

"The Sistery!" Amber squealed. "And since you're one of the sisters, you're officially in!" Amber grabbed Joy's arm and pulled her forward, stronger than Joy intended.

"Sounds fun," Joy smiled. "What do I need to know?"

The entire day was spent in a segregated fashion-the women hanging with the women, and the men with the men. When night came, they retreated back to their rooms to get some sleep, practically at the same time. Nina and Amber each slipped into their beds, Sarah already fast asleep on a portion of Nina's bed. Nina and Amber didn't fall asleep right away though.

"Hey, Neens?" Amber began, staring up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, Amber?"

"What's it like to have a child?"

"The greatest thing ever," Nina smiled. "Like you've finally completed a family or something. Because you love them, you know? You're raising something that just means a lot to you."

"Even when you adopt?"


"Why did you and Fabian adopt?"

Amber noticed Nina fell silent and the air seemed to go still. Even Nina's breathing couldn't be heard across the room, and for a moment, Amber thought Nina had fallen asleep. It was convincing as ever if she did.

But Amber finally heard a deep, nasal breath by Nina, and she finally responded, "Infertility."

Amber noticed Nina's voice sounded as though she were on the verge of crying, if she wasn't already. Amber sat up and continued, "You or Fabian?"

Nina shut her eyes tightly, squeezing some tears out, before she answered, "Me."

"Oh Neens, I'm sorry." Amber's tone went empathetic. "It's got to be hard to find out you can't have a baby."

Nina sat up as well, wiping her tears away. "It's-it's fine. I love Sarah as much as I would any biological child of my own."

Amber took the initiative to get out of her bed and go sit on Nina's, embracing her in a tight hug. She didn't know the exact feeling Nina had to be going through, but as a best friend, she just wanted Nina to be alright.

Fabian woke up very early, hurrying to Nina and Amber's room with the rest of Sibuna trailing behind him. He'd woken everyone up early, and now Amber and Nina. He'd been researching for a while, and he finally found decent information to present.

"Feel free to nerd-out at anytime, Fabian," Patricia folded her arms.

"The Dream Stone," Fabian began. "That's what's used to put these people into that coma-like state. But it also has to be used with an incantation; kind of like when Amber said a magic spell."

"Millington strikes again," Amber grinned.

"And?" Alfie asked for more.

Fabian slowly shut his computer. "Th-that's it."

Everybody stared at him like that was a joke.


"No offense," Joy stated, "but with several days of research, we kind of expected more than that."

"It took me a while to find this stuff," Fabian defended. "It's not my fault certain things in Egyptian mythology are hard to find."

"Alrighty then," Eddie sighed, changing the subject. "So, we have that dinner coming up very soon."

"Three days," Nina pointed out.

"And we have to discuss what our exact plans are for that night," Eddie concluded. "Once I spot Victor, I'll go speak to him of course."

"And I can get the slip of paper," Joy volunteered.

"And we need a table where we can clearly see the society," Patricia pointed out. "And make sure they don't have any other tricks up their sleeves."

Once there was nothing more to add, Alfie pulled out his phone and smirked. "Let's make our reservations."

The morning of the special dinner planned for Sibuna and the Society and Victor, the mentors, except for Alfie and Joy, headed to the school. Mr. Perry was standing outside his office, smirking at them as they passed. The words, 'Hope to see you there," rang in the Sibuna member's ears. Even with a lack of proper communication, all of them were on the same page.

After they passed by him and had gone further down the hall, Jerome noticed the others' demeanor, and how it became more relaxed after passing by Mr. Perry. He glanced back, still seeing Mr. Perry watching them with his piercing eyes. He turned back around and continued walking with the group.

He heaved a deep sigh. He suddenly ran into Barry and Clayton who were eager to see him.

"Not now," Jerome moaned.

"But-" Barry began.

"I said not now," Jerome repeated. "Now get to class."

Barry and Clayton quieted down and sulked away. Jerome combed his fingers through his hair.

So, the dinner will begin next chapter, and it'll be pretty crazy-I'll tell you that.

Do you like the Sistery?

It must be horrible to find out you can't have a baby, especially if you want one, don't you agree?

Several of you were wondering why Fabian and Nina adopted, and this was why. Sadly enough. Anyway, the next chapter will be coming at some moment in time, so until then Aristocrats, stay awesome!

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