Author's Note #3

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Hi! I just felt I should take a moment to simply talk to you guys. So, this is not an actual chapter, but just one of those author's notes here and there. And I actually have things to talk about.

First of all, I can't believe people are still reading. After being gone for such a long time, I didn't know what to expect, but it's truly made me feel like a good person to come back and continue this for you all. And see that you guys are still engaged in it.

And, as far as you all on Wattpad go, I want nothing more than to bring you joy and happiness through what I'm writing because it then reciprocates back to me, and I feel like I'm doing something right. This is what I can give to you, and it means so much to me that it means something to you. The fact you take out a few moments of your day just to read a chapter I upload, it's something I cherish from every single read, or vote, or comment I see.

And it's been this way since the first House of Anubis fanfic I wrote, back in 2013. It's crazy just thinking about it, and how we made it here. I never anticipated anything like this happening. I was fairly new to Wattpad and just decided to write a fanfic for the fun of it (and I really missed HOA-still do). And it became so much more. And maybe I just sound silly going on about this, but I feel that writing had a way to unite people in more than just a face-value level. Literature, Wattpad itself, fandoms (of course), have really influenced or made its mark in our minds, lives, and hearts, or mine, at least.

So, just thank you. For everything. For reading this, for just being a part of Wattpad. For being a part of a community that means something. Thank you for writing, thank you for reading, thank you for just being in this world. Now, let me slow down there before I get off topic.

Secondly, I'm trying to slow down in life. Honestly I do a lot, and I need to learn the value of just pausing for a moment even. And writing helps with that. Writing a fanfic on Wattpad at least (it depends with the original works sometimes).

Now thirdly, you all are aware by now that this is the last installment of my House of Anubis series. I don't know how many more chapters I have to go, honestly. I just have to keep writing and see where it takes us. And there's a lot in store. I'll be very sure to make this a big ending that will be worth what you Aristocrats deserve, especially for going through all these chapters to get here. I write, you guys read, and I repay by supplying good content. Well, hopefully good content, haha.

And given the fact that I am back on Wattpad, things don't have to be over when this is. If enough people want, I will consider doing an HOA next generation. Which I've received requests for. Or maybe you just want an epilogue. And if you really want, I shall. But if in the case that I don't, there's so many out there on Wattpad. So many fanfictions and next generation stories for House of Anubis. I read them. I'm pretty sure you all read them. And they're phenomenal!

So with me just being this one HOA author among so many, there's so many different outlets out there. And if the next generation story doesn't happen, I've been asked to do other types of fanfics, outside of House of Anubis. So, if you have one in mind, let me know in whichever manner suits you best, and if I'm familiar with it, I may end up writing it. And all of this is just really up to you guys. I don't want to sound like I'm pushing you guys to do this or do that. But the reason I stay on Wattpad is for you, and I'm willing to give this to you. I'd be more than happy to.

So again, thank you! I know this is a long Author's Note. And thank you for those of you who read through this all. If you skipped through, still, thank you for opening up this chapter of my story. I promise a standard chapter will be up tomorrow, but with time zones and all, I'll give you the rough estimate of ten hours. So, in ten hours, six am EST, the next chapter will be here. Thank you again; I cannot say thank you enough. Until next time Aristocrats!

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