House of Eavesdropping/House of Dream States

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The morning came of the day the meeting would take place. It would be around seven in the evening, so Sibuna planned on going through the tunnels about thirty minutes before.

"Jerome, we need you to watch the kids and Willow later tonight," Nina told him during breakfast. Trudy had left after making them breakfast, so it was safe to talk.

"Willow?" Jerome repeated, not up-to-date on Willow's condition.

"She's unconscious," Amber informed. "But you wouldn't know that because you're not in Sibuna."

"Amber, you can't force Jerome to do what he doesn't want to do," Joy advised.

"Well, why doesn't he want to do it?" Amber asked, facing towards Jerome.

"He can't say," Jerome answered in third-person. "I think I'll head to the school early." He stood up and left Anubis house.

"Are you staying here again, Alfie?" Fabian asked, getting their minds off the previous situation.

"Of course, I am," he replied.

"And you, Joy?" Patricia added.

Joy nodded.

"Maybe we should all head to the school now," Eddie suggested. "It's time we go, anyway."

They cleaned their dishes and left for the school together, except for Alfie and Joy. Everyone was anxious for that night, having a feeling they'd be eavesdropping on an important meeting.

When Mr. Perry went to his office that morning, he realized he hadn't checked the security footage in a while from the past three days. He brought up the surveillance on his computer, going back to what was recorded previous dates, something very interesting catching his eye.

Eddie had snuck into his office again, this time along with Nina, and they looked at something on his computer. He forgot what it was that he had up, and couldn't have known what they'd seen. He couldn't hear what they were discussing since the camera in the principal's office was only video, not audio.

This gave him more information. He didn't yet know if the entire Sibuna group had reunited against him, but he definitely knew the Osirion and Chosen One did.

He heard them arriving to school and stepped out his office.

"Sweetie Junior and Ms. Martin?" he announced, getting not only their attention, but also the others. "A word, please."

Eddie and Nina nervously stepped into his office, and Mr. Perry closed the door. They stayed standing, and Mr. Perry stood behind his desk.

"I don't know how much you know," he sneered, getting directly to the point, "but you'll wish you never knew so much."

"How would we know you need us if we didn't?" Nina retaliated.

Eddie nudged Nina to warn her. But Nina knew if Mr. Perry confronted them this way, she'd play her hand in his own game.

"How are you two so knowledgeable?" Mr. Perry questioned.

"We have our ways," Nina admitted.

"Such as sneaking into my office again, Junior?" He glared at Eddie. "Along with your partner in crime this time."

Eddie and Nina wondered how he knew and nearly at the same time, they both realized how. They didn't reveal it though.

"Get out of my office before I regret letting you two go," Mr. Perry commanded.

Eddie and Nina hurried out, realizing their friends were still there waiting. They kept walking until they were a good distance from the office.

"He's watching us," Eddie revealed at the same time Nina said, "He has security cameras."

"How'd you two find out?" Fabian asked.

"That's the only way he knew we snuck into his office," Eddie revealed.

"Wait, he found out?" Amber asked.

"That's what he just said, Amber," Patricia sighed.

"Why'd he confront you about it?" Fabian questioned. "That's not really a smart tactic."

"I think he's smarter than what we're giving him credit for," Nina responded. "And I'm sure his office isn't the only place he has cameras."

"Maybe he has cameras set up around the school," Patricia figured. "Just, hopefully-"

"-not in Anubis house," Eddie finished.

At Anubis house, every Sibuna member was gathered in the sitting room.

"Hey, we were discussing spying on meeting when we were at the school," Fabian pointed out. "What if Mr. Perry heard it? What if he knows?"

"We have to go anyway," Nina insisted.

"What if he's changed the location?" Joy asked.

"Something tells me he didn't," Nina admitted.

Trudy eventually left the house around the time they assumed she would, and the time came for them to head down through the tunnels. All seven of them, with their amulets, went down into the cellar. They made their way all the way to the library, mostly in silence, a bit of conversation here and there.

They finally made it to the library, and they were on the other side of the bookcase. Now they'd just have to wait for the meeting to begin.

"I think they're coming into the library," Joy whispered, hearing voices and footsteps.

"Welcome," they heard Mr. Perry say. "It's nice to see all five of you could make it, especially you Trudy. To kick off this meeting, I'd like to ask, as we all are wondering, who will be the seventh member?"

"I-I haven't found anyone, sir," Trudy admitted shamefully.

"Haven't found anyone?" another guy repeated. The Sibuna members had no doubt it was Michael Taylor, the new drama teacher. "You do realize without the seventh member, we can't accomplish our mission?"

"Of course I do," Trudy defended. "I swear I'll find someone as soon as possible. Someone we can trust. Someone who's willing."

"You can't tell them the whole plan when you find them," Vera told her. "Honestly, who would be willing to join as the seventh member if they knew they'd be the sacrifice?"

There was another lady who spoke, her voice completely unrecognizable. "Trudy, you can't tell them that. Not until they agree."

"I wouldn't want anyone getting into something they don't know," Trudy admitted.

"No one will agree to die, Trudy!" a male voice bellowed, deep and rumbling. It had to be Jameson Williams, the Chemistry teacher.

"Stop picking on Trudy, everyone," Mr. Perry silenced. "We have limited time here. Now, you all know Willow has been placed in the dream state."

"She could be suffering in there," Trudy worried.

"Are you against our mission, Trudy?" Mr. Perry asked.

Trudy hesitated. "N-no, sir."

"Then don't speak against it. Anyway, the god Tutu has already begun to grow weak. Neith has informed me. If we succeed in our task, we'll be awarded the Egyptian Dream Book."

"For oneiromancy?" Mr. Taylor asked. "To predict the future?"

"Precisely," Mr. Perry confirmed. "But in our case it'll be a bit different. Neith will not only ensure we can predict the future, but that we can control it."

"This changes the game entirely," Vera swallowed.

"Yes," Mr. Perry agreed. "Yes it does."

And the actual mystery going on begins to unravel itself! This is only the beginning of it, but they're using "dreams" for "power". I used quotes for a reason.

Do you know who Tutu and Neith are?(If not, you'll know next chapter)

Are you beginning to understand what the Secret Society is after?

Do you understand the "dream state" thing? (If not, it'll be elaborated on as the story progresses)

Until next time, Aristocrats!

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