House of Dinners/House of Disappearances

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When the evening came, all the females dressed up in fancy gowns with Amber having the final say on whether they looked good enough to eat at a five star restaurant. They knew whatever they ordered would be expensive, so as long as they combined their money, they should have enough.

Nina, Amber, Joy, and Patricia came from downstairs while the guys waited downstairs, also dressed up real fancy.

"It's like prom for old people," Alfie uttered.

"We're not old, Alfie," Fabian said. "We're only thirty-four."

"Not thirty-four years young, that's for sure."

The babysitter finally arrived, right on time. She met up with the little kids, and everyone said good bye, leaving Anubis house.

They rode to the restaurant in Eddie and Joy's car, splitting up by four in one car and four in the other. They arrived at the place a few minutes after driving since it wasn't too far away. They all took deep breaths before going inside to the front desk, where the person smiled.

"Lewis," Alfie swallowed. "Reservation for eight."

"First time at a five star restaurant?" the host asked, acknowledging Alfie's nervousness as he gathered the menus. "The nerves will wear off in a few. Right this way."

He lead them to their table which was inherently in the middle of the room, surrounded by tables and booths on all sides. They didn't see the Secret Society and grew worried. They took their seats, and the host handed Alfie a letter after setting out all the menus.

"There's been a note left for me to give to this party," he informed. "They told me you'll know who it's from."

Alfie nodded and the host left. Everyone's attention was turned to the piece of paper now resting in Alfie's hands. He was too nervous to open and read it though.

"You read it!" Alfie shoved the note to Joy.

Joy took it and unfolded it.

"'Dear Mischievous Miscreants,

If you're receiving this letter, it's clear you've come to the dinner. You probably haven't yet spotted us, and it's because you've arrived before us, but we'll show up soon enough. And this night has a lot in store. Victor will be attending, he'll be leaving a secret note, and something bad might just happen to you. Which one of you, who knows? Just know it'll affect you all. If you're thinking about leaving, you'd be making a big mistake. Because we'll do far worse than you can imagine if you try to bail out.

Best Regards,

Secret Society'."

Joy folded the letter back up. Synchronically, the Secret Society had shown up, sitting at their table which was merely two tables away. All six of them were there. Daniel Perry, Vera Devenish, Trudy Rehmann, Jameson Williams, Michael Taylor, and a lady who they'd never seen in their lives. She was the owner of the unidentifiable voice they overheard.

"Guys?" Jerome snapped them out of their gaze in that direction. "Would you like drinks?"

The others hadn't realized the waiter had come to take their drink orders. They all ordered quickly and then looked down at their menus, occasionally glancing over at the society.

Eventually Victor had shown up, after they already ordered their food, sitting in a corner booth as planned, a fake plant right beside it. Sibuna's table happened to be closer to Victor's table than the Secret Society's, and they didn't know if that was planned or not.

They received their food, but it was mostly them moving their food around their plates since they didn't have much appetite, anxious for "bad" thing would happen. Except for Alfie who could eat in any situation. And Jerome who wasn't involved.

"I'm going to speak to Victor," Eddie whispered to Patricia, putting down his fork. He stood up and headed towards Victor's table.

He stopped a brief moment when Nina asked, "Do you need me to come with you?"

He shook his head and continued to the table alone. Victor saw him approaching but didn't argue against it. He straightened up as Eddie sat down.

"Victor," Eddie greeted.


"So, you remember me?"

"As though I could forget. Make this quick Edison; I do not have all night."

"Ok..." Eddie inhaled and exhaled deeply. "I need to ask you about Daniel Perry. I know you referenced him to work at the boarding school, and I'm wondering how you know him."

"Is that really your information to know?"

"I have to tell you, Victor, it really is."

Victor cleared his throat. "Then listen closely because I won't say this twice."

Meanwhile at the other table with Nina and the others, they finally tried to loosen up and somewhat enjoy their dinner until whatever would happen, happened.

"Alfie, slow down," Joy instructing, noticing how fast Alfie was stuffing his food into his mouth.

"I eat faster when I'm nervous," Alfie explained, but it ended up coming out a bit muffled.

Jerome tried to speak to Amber, but Amber ignored everything he was saying and just spoke to Patricia instead. Nina and Fabian also spoke to eachother.

"Why aren't they doing anything?" Fabian asked. "The Secret Society. Nothing's happening."

"Maybe they're trying to catch us off guard," Nina replied.

Fabian and Nina both glanced back over at the table, realizing they hadn't checked over there in a while. They realized the entire table was empty except for that one lady they didn't know. That meant five of them had suddenly gone missing, and the had no idea where they were.

Fabian and Nina began to glance around frantically.

"What's up with you guys?" Patricia asked, taking notice.

"The Secret Society is missing," Nina panted.

The others glanced over there, also seeing that five of them were gone.

That wasn't good.

Cliffhanger, just to keep you on the edge of your seats!

What do you think Victor is about to tell Eddie?

Where do you think the five missing members of the society have gone?

Until next time!

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