House of Contact/House of Capture

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Patricia marched down the stairs, anger and disappointment pulsing through her from her confrontation with Eddie. As she arrived to the bottom of the stairs, Fabian came out the kitchen.

"Is everything alright?" Fabian asked, spotting her.

"Shut up," Patricia glared, storming out the house to take a seat on the steps outside.

"Okay..." Fabian muttered, heading to his room.

Eddie then came out the room from upstairs and headed downstairs to go into his and Fabian's room. He was heading there until he heard faint whispers from Jerome and Alfie's room. He headed in there instead, slipping inside to the empty room, but immediately drawn to the Dream Stone sitting on Jerome's dresser.

He neared it, and it began to glow as he did, brighter and brighter with every step. He eventually stood before it, in arms reach, and felt compelled to pick it up.

He did so, and as soon as it met the palm of his hand, he was still in Anubis house, but tossed into the Dream State. Conscious, still so.

He kept the stone gripped in his hands and left the room, sensing a nearby presence. As he turned into the foyer, he saw familiar faces coming down the stairs. Nina, Amber, and Willow.

"Now I'm confused," Eddie muttered.

Nina and the others looked over at him as he said that, hardly believing he was really there. But it was him for sure, somehow contacting them from the real world. They noticed the stone glowing in his hand and figured that'd be the reason.

Rushing down to him along with Amber and Willow, Nina exclaimed, "Eddie!"

"Hey," Eddie greeted them all. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, just stuck in a dream," Amber replied.

"We're still looking for the children though," Willow told him.

"You don't know where they are?" Eddie asked worriedly.

Nina shook her head and heaved a sigh. "No luck yet." She changed the subject. "Is that the dream stone?"

"Yeah, Trudy got it for us," Eddie informed them.

"So, Trudy's good again? And she's helping us?" Amber's expression broke into a slight smile.

"Well, we don't know. She mailed it to us, but we don't know where she is...she could be-"

Eddie cut off his sentence, figuring they'd understand she could have possibly been dead.

"But good news," Eddie suddenly interrupted the silence, "Vera is in Duat, and KT is an inside job for us with Daniel Perry."

They all cheered for that, glad Vera was finally dealt with for good. And that KT was back.

"Hey, can you tell Jerome something for me?" Nina requested to Eddie.


"Tell him I understand why," Nina told him.

"And tell him I love him!" Amber added in quickly.

"And tell Alfie I'll be back soon!" Willow chimed-in.

"Okay, okay," Eddie grinned. He became serious again and said, "Well, I guess at that, I should go...I'll be back soon. I'll try figuring out a way to get you guys out too, once you find the kids."

They smiled and said their good-byes, ad as though the stone knew what Eddie was asking for, he appeared back in the real, conscious world, standing there in the foyer.

A sudden pain shot up his arm, and and he dropped the stone to the ground, not expecting the shock. He shook it off and took the stone back to his and Fabian's room, rather than returning it to Jerome's.

Later on, approaching evening, Eddie found Alfie to give him the news from Willow, and Alfie's eyes lit up brighter than ever before.

"Thanks," Alfie grinned, practically jumping up and down.

"Hey, have you guys seen Jerome, Joy, or Patricia around lately?" Fabian asked, coming out his room. "I haven't heard from them, and I tried calling them, but none of them are picking up their phones."

"Well, didn't they all go outside today?" Alfie pointed out.

With all three of them expecting the worse but hoping for the best, they hurried outside and called out Patrica, Jerome, and Joy's names but with no reply.

"They wouldn't just wander off," Eddie stated.

"Maybe Daniel came..." Fabian suggested.

"Well, if he did, we have to get to the gatehouse," Eddie declared frantically.

"Where all the evil people are?" Alfie's voice rose up high. "That sounds like an Osirion thing."

"Alfie," Eddie frowned.

Alfie eventually gave in. "Fine."

They locked up the house and hurried off to the gatehouse, the most likely place where Patricia, Jerome, and Joy would've been taken if they were captured.

Hopefully they'd make it in time before anything bad happened.

Hmm, that might be a cliffhanger...

Anyway, discussion questions for you lovely readers:

Why do you think the stone sent pain up Eddie's arm?

Do you think Eddie, Fabian, and Alfie will make it in time to save the others? Or are they even headed to the right place?

In all honesty, I'm feeling quite evil, so who knows what might happen in the chapters to come? Anyway, until next time, Aristocrats!

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