Chapter 47

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Summer's POV:

6 days later

Tomorrow, at 6pm I am leaving for the airport to go to Spain. Right now, I'm double checking I've packed everything.
Then, I sat down and thought about my life so far.

First, I was a simple tomboy who didn't believe in love. Then I fell into love deeper than I could ever know with the most perfect man and he loved me back. In August we married.
After 5 months, I got pregnant with twins. About 7 months later, my first love fell into a coma and died.
2 months later, my children were born. I spent the happiest year of my life with him.

A little under 2 years later, me and a footballer fell in love. A month later, we moved out of a mansion into a cosy house besides my dead husbands graveyard.

Turns out my 2nd husband was abusive and my grieving angered him. Because of fear, his power and hope for a change, I'm moving to a different country with him... tomorrow.

Ibrahim has been keeping a close eye on me so I decided that tomorrow, before we leave, I'll say my final goodbye to Ali-Nooh. I'll say goodbye to him.

I wish he was still here.

The next day: 4pm.

"Summer, we need to go to the airport in about half an hour!" Ibrahim yelled.
"I just need to run to the shop." I loosely slipped my hijab on and ran out of the door. As I approached his grave, I ignored the other few people that were slowly leaving and knelt beside Ali-Nooh.

"I'm leaving. Going to Spain with Ibrahim. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry we only spent a year together, I'm sorry you never got to meet your beautiful children. I'm sorry I'll never even see you again. Goodbye."
Tears began to spring to my eyes and I heard it loud and clear.


Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora