Chapter Four: Party

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Heyy heyy ^^ Enjoy!! I love chocolates as well!!! Who doesn't? ^^ Remember to leave a comment if you have any ideas to improve or just want to say something. I won't mind critics if the intention is for improvement ^^

“Hi, Lorelei!” Jolene’s voice called out to me. I turned to see her running up to me. I noticed the dark looks that I incited in the hotel staff. If possible, my appearance now was even worse than my appearance at school.

“Hi, Jolene.” My voice came out as flat as ever. In the week that I had spent in school, I had grown closer to Chocolate than to Jolene once I grasped that Jolene had a dark streak in her. I had also indirectly started falling for Daniel, my BM tutor.

“We were just setting things up when Chocolate got your message,” Jolene smiled at me and beckoned me with her finger. I ducked my head when the hotel staff glared in my direction. The visitors at the hotel were obviously avoiding me at all costs, and that was probably bad for their reputation.

We walked through the main lounge and out the other side, which were stairs that led to the beach. I could see the guys starting a campfire in the distance. I took off my slippers when I saw Jolene doing so and we walked in silence at first. Jolene was the first to break it.

“So, how are your BM sessions going?” she looked towards the horizon where the sun was just setting, making everything ablaze with beautiful rays of rainbow colours.

“Okay.” I muttered. My mind flashed to Daniel and I blushed slightly. He had been such a gentle and patient teacher, yet he was funny at the same time. It was easy to learn from him because he explained in pictures. Also, he had a shockingly adorable smile.

Unfortunately, that was the time that Jolene chose to look at me and she didn’t miss the blush that had crept unaided into my cheeks. Something dark flashed in her eyes before she smiled again.

“That’s great news.” She started walking on tip-toe on the sand and the resulting footprints looked like paws prints. “Soon you’ll easily understand BM and Tom would be out of a translating job.” She chuckled in mirth.

Somehow, the way she said that made my hair stand on end.

“Yes,” I responded emotionlessly. I noticed her eyebrow twitch in annoyance. Crap, one week and I already made someone hate me so badly. What was wrong with me? What was the point of being ugly then?

There was a shrill scream and both our heads snapped up in their direction. We watched as Chocolate was ganged up on by the boys and they started burying her under the sand.

“Stooooop!” she wailed and thrashed but some guys held her down in the hole they dug while the others poured sand on her. “Help me! Stop it, you guys! Help!” The guys were laughing as they buried her alive.

Jolene and I exchanged a glance and we took off towards them. By the time we reached them, Chocolate was completely stuck under heavy sand, and only her head, hands and feet were visible.

“You guys suck to high heaven!” She called insult after insult. “Damn you all to the deepest pits of hell where you belong! Package jokes of humans!”

“What’s going on, guys?” Jolene gasped for air. Nick turned around from the barbeque pit and nodded his greeting at me. I looked down and was glad that it was dark enough that my blush couldn’t be seen.

I watched Nick for the past week and he was always cool and aloof except when he was with Chocolate. The more I saw the bright side of him, the more I wished that he would laugh with me that way, too. So much for avoiding beauty and guys, I failed my mission miserably and was now torn between three of them.

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