Chapter Two: Malay

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When we were all finally lined up according to classes (Jolene was entirely too enthusiastic that we turned out to be in the same class, she saw from my schedule), the teachers were all already seated on the stage. The big-sized balding guy with eyes too big for his head stood up and walked to the mike stand.

"Good morning, teachers and students. First and foremost, I'd like to welcome all of you back to school for this year and I'd naturally also like to refresh your memories on school rules." He said in a booming voice.

Jolene rolled her eyes. "This will take forever." She mouthed. I grinned at her.

True enough, we stood there while almost every teacher went to the mike to say something while our legs ached. I was seriously considering sitting down, consequences be damned, when Jolene nudged me and I saw that it was over. I'd tuned out after the second teacher so I was grateful for her nudge.

"So, we've kinda got time before class actually starts, do you want a tour or something first?" Jolene asked. I wondered if she had any friends; she had completely glued herself to me. Yet I knew she was quite popular because almost everyone greeted her with smiles.

"Um, no, I just wanna go to class." I chose the most boring possible answer. She didn't mind though. She just shrugged and nodded and led the way. I decided to ask her. "I'm grateful for you helping me out, but may I ask why?" I held my breath, curious for her answer. My question was said so flatly that I was worried she would take offense.

She blinked at me, not noticing the people along the corridor waving to her. "Oh. I don't know." She said, looking puzzled. "I just want to, you know." Then she smiled at me and I smiled back, not knowing what else to do. Honestly, I didn't know. I had never 'just want to' do something. There had always been an ulterior motive. The thought made me suppress a sigh. How could I have been such a bad person?

I had been so absorbed in my thoughts that I hadn't heard a single thing Jolene had been saying, so when she pulled on my arm, I dropped my bag in surprise.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to pull so hard!" Jolene apologised instantly while I swooped to pick it up. I shook my head.

"You didn't pull hard," I said in my emotionless voice. "I was dreaming; you just shocked me awake." She looked at me doubtfully, unsure whether I was honest or I was scolding her. I tried to hear it from her point of view and realised it sounded like I was scolding her. "Really." I tried, but it came out as flat as ever. I smiled at her apologetically.

She looked at me for two seconds, decided I was sincere and smiled again. I blew an internal sigh of relief. "So what is it?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. This is our class." She turned to the door and beckoned me in. I could hear the loud chatter of students when the teacher wasn't in. And suddenly, it felt as if my heart turned into ice. I didn't know how to move my muscles.

"It's fine," Jolene laughed, seeing my reaction. "Nobody's gonna eat you." I shuddered at her choice of words.

"That's what they all say." I breathed, trying to joke to give myself artificial courage. Jolene grinned.

"That's the spirit. Come on." She went in. Suddenly I wasn't used to being alone and more or less ran after her. I stopped just inside the door and stopped breathing as well.

Everyone's chatter stopped and they stared at me in interest. This was a different interest from the one I'd gotten traumatised from. Yet the similarity was so great that I looked down at my holey shoes and tried to breathe around the stab of fear in my chest.

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