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"Come back to me Y/n. Come back to me" I hear.
My eyes flutter open and I instantly regret escaping my trance. My whole abdomen is on fire.
"Arrrrgh" I grunt. My eyes water, I look up at Carls blue eyes.
"Make it stop. Make it stop" I plead. Tears that belong to Carl drip down onto my face.
"Y/n! We need Hershel. We need to get my dad." he panics.
I take a deep breath in, which doesn't help me, it brings a harsh striking pain all through my body. I smile at Carl, healthy Carl. It was okay that it was me here rather than him.
He is alright, that's good.
"I'm okay" I lie. "We need to go" I say.
"My dad's gone. I- I- I think he thought we already left" Carl cries.
I brush my fingers over his face.
"Carl- help me up." I order. He stands up and tries to lift me up with him.
"Argh" I scream. He mostly carries me.
"The pharmacy" I whisper. He nods.
Carl carries me up the stairs. I push him away. I can feel the life dripping out of me.
I haven't got long left.
My eyes droop close and the last thing I see is the man who shot me, with my hunting knife rammed in his eyes.
Then I go back to sleep, a black obscure world where the pain finally feels numb. Thank god.
It's time that I thought through this pain and planned what was about to happen as soon as I wake up.
I am going to die...
It is inevitable, un avoidable and inescapable.
And the gun strapped to my belt, he was going to have to use it to end me.

I wake once again to Carl. I am lying down in a small room.
"Urgg" I say, I can feel the colour running out of my face. Carl has blood all over him- over his face, his shirt, his arms and hands. I can barely feel my abdomen, I cannot feel much at all really. My shoulder feels like it has a cool breeze running through it.
"Carl..." I trail away. "What happened?"
He looks down me with his pretty blue eyes.
"I carried you here" He stutters.
It hurts even talking, I feel so restless that I could drift away at this very moment.
"No," I say. "What happened..."
He brushes the hair out of my face.
"You...you... you came back for me" he smiles, then breaks into a sob. "Don't leave me Y/n." he whispers.
"Carl...I.. I don't have long left" I whisper. Carl burst into tears, which wet my face. I've been shot- and I'm losing so much blood.
"Don't cry..." I whisper. "You have nothing be afraid of." I let a tear stroll down my face. "You are better than this world. You are gonna beat this world." He looks at me with cold eyes.
"Don't do this to me- don't give me that death speech. I've heard it all before but... You AREN'T going to die. No. No." He wipes away his tears.
"You have to-" I start.
"NO!" he shouts. "We have to get to the prison! Hershel can help" he sooks, bowing his head. I nod, very slowly, I feel way too weak.
"I'm not Sofia..." I whisper. "You can stop me from turning Carl, you have to shoot me." I take a deep breath. Despite the way my whole body screams with pain, this part hurts the most. I can't take away Carl's pain, I am hurting him by doing this but I know I can't even make it out of this room let alone to the prison.
I'm giving my life up, as easy as that. It hurts to tell myself I will never see Carl again. I have to though.
Carl will live on, Carl will keep being the soldier he is.
"No. No. You're not dying. You can survive."
And even though I want to believe that, I feel as though I can drift off and die at any minute.
Carl starts crying again, his whole face is red. I take my small hand and I place it on his.
"Carl, I love you. Always know that, yeah?" I ask. He nods, holding back the tears.
"And I...I love you too" he whispers.
"You're my first love and my last love. You can do it- you can make it out. Let go of my hand Carl." I whisper, my voice growing softer with every word. I know I certainly haven't got long left.
Not long before I die.
He grips my hand tighter.
"Let go of my hand, but never let go of my heart. I'm with you cowboy. I'm always with you..." I close my eyes and look at the obscure of my eyelids.
Carl puts his head on my forehead and cries onto it.
"No! You can't die! I've lost so much! I can't lose you!" He has desperation in his voice as he tugs on me.
"Hey. Hey." I coo, gripping his shirt. "Remember what you said to me? You told me that we were the start of something good..." I pause, feeling pain wash over me. "We were amazing. We were the start of something incredible..."
"You're not dying." He sobs. I smile weakly.
"We were magnificent."

The world stops orbiting around us and suddenly everything seems so small. Every problem I've ever faced in my life seems so small. Everything all amounts to this final moment. Here, with the boy I loved.
"I'm dieing Carl" I simply whisper. And its almost like its not there, but I hear it.
I hear him say 'I know'.
"Then you know what you have to do." I cry, pausing between each word because I am out of breath.
And this is the moment. This is the moment where I die.
Where I drift off and never wake up.

I die.

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