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I wake up today with the sun shining into my cell and the thin sheet spread out across the floor. It must have fallen off during the night. I feel almost like I am a walker myself. I drag myself out of bed and wrap myself in my sheet. I plomp myself on the concrete floor and open up the pages of a Harry Potter book. It was getting used in the wardens office as a door stopper. Daryl had passed it down to Carol who had passed it down to Lizzie who had passed it down to Mika. Mika- being the crazy girl she was, ran up the coridor and threw the book at me.
I had nothing better to do- so this morning I started reading it while everyone in the whole prison slept. Things were quiet and peaceful. I focused on how safe I felt in this moment and how the entire apocalypse had been put to sleep as I read safely to the peace of the sun rise and the silence of...um... people who weren't dead.
This book didn't take my fancy, but I read it anyway.

Learning about Harry and Ron was a far better choice than accepting Ron and Sissy were gone.

Carl and I decided that we would go out once more today, maybe sit on a roof and watch the sunset. We wanted to have a quiet afternoon together. I thought I needed that, after all that happened.

I read until the sound of shuffling feet outside got loud and people started discussing the stale cereal they couldn't wait to eat. I got up and headed to Hockey's cell.
"Knock Knock." I sarcastically say.
He looks up.
"Hey Y/n. Did you sleep okay?" He asks. I enthusiasticly smile then nod.
"Yeah, great thanks... and you?" I ask. He acted as if nothing had happened between us which in a way was pretty good.
"It was probably the best sleep I have had in ages" He looks up. "How are you?" He now looks worried.
"Awesome" I say. He nods.
"No no... I mean with Ron and Sissy?" He runs fingers through his hair.
I look up at the ceiling.
"I don't know. I try to feel sad and I can't. I don't accept it" I look at Hockey.
"Thank you for respecting them like that Hockey. Thanks for putting them out of their misery and burying them. You're like a brother of mine, Hockey... and you're a great person too".
Hockey laughs.
"If you'd have said that to my mom a few years ago she'd laugh in your face. Y/n, I'm not a good person...I may do good things but I can't say that makes me a good person because I can't turn back time to fix the mistakes I've made" He grabs his bag.
"I think I am going to go for a walk" Hockey grins. "See you later alligator." He calls out to me.
"After a while crocodile" I echo down the halls.
After that I decide I should go talk to Rick. It seems fair that I should start taking duties on the gaurd tower or working on the fence.
I find Rick talking to a couple. I wait patiently until he is done.
"Morning Rick. Just wanted to see if their was anything I could do to help. Figure I should pull my weight around here right?" I say. Rick sighs.
"I guess you could help Carl with this shift on the gaurd tower. He often gets a little bored. You might be able to keep him on the ball." Rick smiles. "But as for today, just relax" Then with a goodbye, he goes away to get some breakfast.
I wanted to see Carl and talk to him but I couldn't see him in his cell. I walked outside the prison and sat down.
Everything was so peaceful and beautiful.
I pulled Harry Potter out of my bag and begun reading again, when I felt the plonk of someone next to me. It was Carl, all sweaty and smelly.
"Hey there, beautiful" He pipes, leaning over and giving me a kiss on the lips. He puts his arm around me.
"What have you been up to?" I ask. Whatever he was doing it must have been hard work.
Carl laughs.
"I was doing all Hershel's shovelling. Yay" He says enthusiasticly.
"Yay" I repeat. He looks at the Harry Potter book I am reading.
"Good book?" He asks. I smile and nod.
"Anyway, I'm going to have a shower, you wanna leave after that?" He asks. I nod and smile. Carl returns the smile and leans in and gives me a big kiss. I hug him and then he ventures off. Just as Maggie walks up with a plate of vegtables.
"Hey Y/n, we had some left over cooked veggies from last nights dinner. You interested?" She asks. I nod. They smelt awesome. She hands me the plate and sits down. Maggie brushes the hair out of her face and smiles.
"You have such nice hair" She says, looking at mine. I shrug.
"Not really." I scrunch my face up. Maggie's face lights up and she smiles crazily.
"Can I plait it for you?" She asks. I was a bit taken back, as it had been ages before anyone had ever even noticed my hair. I nod.
"If you want too". She jumps up and stands behind me. She starts doing my hair.
"So you and Carl are together right?" She asks.
I laugh. "Yeah I guess. We aren't going out though- I mean, like, thats dumb...but I really like him..." I hear Maggie chuckle.
"He's such a great kid, after all he's been through with Lori... he hasn't let it get to him. He's strong" I smile to myself. Then curiously ask:
"Can I ask who Lori is?" I question, thinking it's an ex girlfriend. Maggie pauses and then continues.
"Lori was Carl's mother. She died giving birth to Carl's sister Judith. It was traumatising for him. We're all so sorry he had to go through that. We all love him to bits, but we can't be a best friend to him like you could. I'm happy he found you." Maggie says, finishing the plait.
"Me too" I whisper.

After a bit, Carl and I meet at the fence. We walk out but this time Carl carries a bag. He wouldn't tell me what was in it no matter how many times I asked. It was a 'surprise'.

We take a different way today, walking randomly through the forest. We talk about silly aimless things. When the forest clears up my eyes land on a small house parked in the middle of nowhere. It looked like something you would see in a fairytale.
"Perfect" Carl mumbles, venturing towards it. He walks to the side of the house and passes me the bag, which was somewhat heavy. He begins climbing up the side of the house like it's a piece of cake. He reaches the roof and I toss him the bag. Once he's got it, I start climbing myself. It results in a lot of tumbles and instructions but I make it up in the end.
For such a little house it felt so high and I felt so above of all the dangers and troubles.
Carl sits on the roof, with me huddled next to him.
"I love you." Is all he says. I wrap my arms around him. He leans against the chimney and I cuddle him. He pulls a blanket from his bag and covers us with it.
Everything Is perfect.
We lie here for a while without saying anything, just enjoying the wind on our faces.
"You're the best thing that has happened to me." Carl whispers, looking over at me. "Civilisation died but love didn't. You're the best thing that has happened to me since the apocalypse and you Y/n are the love of my life"
I think his cheesy romance is the only way he knows how to go about it. That's okay, it still makes me blush no matter how cheesy it is.
I smile at him as he places a small kiss on my forehead.
Right now, it's me and him against the world.

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