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Glenn collects his sniper gun and wonders off to find somewhere high. I watch the gate. There are no guards now.
"What are we waiting for?" I hiss impatiently. "That's a perfectly reasonable invitation!"
Maggie shakes her head.
"Okay guys. Just follow me" We begin creeping down the road to the gate of the farm.
Michonne kneels down and Maggie uses her leg as a stepping stool. Maggie peeks over the gate.
"There's a gaurd at the far end of the farm but he has his back to us" Maggie whispers.
I nod.
Maggie motions for me to come.
"Y/n. Michonne and I will lift you up and then one by one we can help each other up, okay?" Maggie says. I nod. Feeling myself be hoisted up by strong arms. I am on the gate now.
I search for the gaurd, I can recognise him as the man who I punched in the throat.
I help Sissy up next and together we help up Maggie and then Michonne.
I lower myself to the ground. I hit surface. We are sucsessfully in the farm, now I need to get into the house...

We begin creeping to the house when I hear a blood curdling shout.
"Johno! The girl!" I hear. The guard must have turned around and heard us.
The gaurd runs at me. He grabs me by the hair. Sissy and the rest probably would have helped me get him off but other farm people were coming out. I punch the man in the stomach. He pushes me to the ground.
"Never thought I'd be so excited to kill a child" he grins. He pulls out a blade and puts it against my throat.
I reach into my pocket and bring out my hunting knife. I whip out my hand, scraping it against his cheek. He howls out in pain.

I certaintly did cut deep enough.
"Do you feel my pain" I grunt. I feel another man take me by the arms and hold me back.
"Get her." he spits. The man I sliced comes at me with a knife and places it on my shoulder. He pushes down.
I feel a searing white hot pain as it goes through my shoulder. It's nothing like I have ever felt before. I let out an exhausted whimper. He takes me from the other man by the shoulders and places the blade to my throat.
"LADIES! I'D RECOMEND YOU SURRENDER YOUR WEAPONS BEFORE THIS GETS SERIOUS" he shouts. I hear Maggie and Michonne gasp. Michonne drops her katana and Maggie puts her hands in the air.
Everything goes rather fast.
I feel the blade be pressed against my throat, harder. I hear a whimper from behind me and then a bang.
The blade drops from my throat and the man falls down from beside me. I turn around and see Sissy standing with her gun pointed at where the mans head used to be. Her hands are shaking and tears are streaking down her face. Small entrails of smoke emit themselves from Sissy's gun.

I mouth these words to her, whimpering myself because of the pain in my shoulder.
'It's okay'
I hear Rick come running out of the shed, followed by Daryl, Johno and two of his men. Everything is quiet. Johno calmly walks up to his mans dead body.
"You killed one a' my men?" He asks Sissy.
Sissy holds her gun up to him, I can tell she is scared.
"That's okay darlin" Johno says, a passive aggressive tone to his voice. He begins walking away. Sissy opens her mouth to take a deep breath, when the sound of another gun shot rings in my ear.
Sissy falls.
Johno shot her.
"NO!" I scream, I don't care about my shoulder because it feels like someone has taken a stake to my heart. I run to Johno.
"YOU SICK BASTARD!" I yell. Plunging my knife into Johno's eye. He falls to the ground. He lets out a high pitched moan. I don't stop. I take the knife and plunge into his face.
a third time.
Pay for Sissy.
Pay for Sissy.
I feel Rick pull me off of Johno and then leave. I am surrounded by gun shots. I realise it's Glenn, picking off Johno's men one by one.
Took him long enough.
Everyone is distracted. I run, despite the pain filling me physically and mentally. I enter the farm house with my gun. A man runs at me but I put a bullet in his head. I make my way to the basement. I put my gun on the padlock amd shoot, breaking it into little peices. I throw open the door.
I see Carl sitting on the couch bloodied and bruised. He has his head in his hands.
"CARL!" I shout, running down to him despite my shoulder.
Carl looks up at me.
"Y/n!" Carl yells, running to me. He wraps his arms around me and I dig my head in his chest.
"Are you alright?" I question, searching his body for any serious wounds. He smiles at me.
"I'm fine" he leans over and kisses me. He looks down at my shoulder.
"Are YOU okay?" He asks. I nod and hug him. I begin sulking into his chest. I feel him comfort me and I feel so happy to be with Carl again. Carl pulls away.
"Wrap it up love birds. I'm here to finish the job." I hear a deep raspy voice say. I turn around and see a man standing with his gun pointed at Carl.
"Any last words?" He interrogates. I bluff it out.
"You don't have to do this! You can join our group!" I say. He shakes his head.
"No. Johno said this would happen. He said- we finish it up." He smiles evilly. I hear the gun click. The man points his gun directly at Carl.
Carl grabs my hand. He looks at me like this is goodbye.
The hell am I letting Carl die today!
I hear the trigger go, and I do what I know has to be done,

I jump in front.

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