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I make my way towards Hockeys cell. Now that I've been roaming these coridors a lot more frequently these days, I have learned my way around.

I feel overjoyed about what happened in Carl's cell. Carl was amazing.

I knocked on Hockey's cell door, peering through. He looked up at me, a small smile appearing on his face. He had been sharpening his knives. I look at him a little more seriously, walking inside.
"I didn't find them." I tell him, sadly. I sit down beside Hockey.
"I know." He calmly says.
"Hockey-" I start, Hockey interrupts me.
"I found them in the forest while I was hunting. They were walker food by then." He says slowly.
"Oh" my voice trembles. This hurts more that just thinking that they've been lost. Now I have the answer. They were dead.
"The least I could do was give them my gun." Hockey pauses. "Sissy wanted me to tell you, she loved you. You were her family." Tears stream down his face, mine too. I no longer feel happy.
"Ron couldn't speak because...well... he had it in his eyes Y/n. He had already turned. That's when Ron pounced on Butch. Butch wasn't ready, he just knew the face as Ron... and so Butch was scared and he ran. I never found him but I know he's dead" Hockey started crying.
I don't say that I killed Butch, because at the moment I can't get over Sissy and Ron's death.
"I buried them," Hockey adds. "I put a rock on top of their graves like they deserved and then I returned back to the house hoping you would be there. You weren't- buncha walkers were. I ran" Hockey stops talking and sobs for a little while.
It was just me and Hockey now.
"We can stay here Hockey. No more of that running thing. Me and Carl, we're your friends and you don't ever need to bury us. We will be by your side forever. We will never leave you." I tell him.
"Carl- I owe it to him, for protecting the love of my life." Hockey states, leaning in. I know what is about to happen next so I move away and look at the ceiling.
"Hockey. I don't know how to say this but... yeah I owe it to Carl too. This week Carl has stopped at no end to make me happier in a world like this. Me and Carl have some connection." I pause. It's so cheesy. I try to get it out without hurting Hockey.
"I love Carl." Is all I say. My heart Is hammering in my chest.
"Oh" Hockey's soft voice say. I get up and leave. I feel so mean and sad but I can't deny my love for Carl.
I walk through the corridors and enter Block B, making my way to my cell. I curl up in my bed and cry. Soon Carl walks in, he doesn't say anything, he just lies down beside me and wraps his arms around me. I cry into his chest and he stays silent. Soon I fall asleep in the arms of Carl Grimes.

When I wake up I find that Carl fell asleep aswell. I smile, he looked so cute. I quietly crawl over him and get out of bed. I make my way out of the prison, walking onto the grass.

Down by the front of the fence there are people thinning the long line of walkers gathered around the fence. I walk out and sit down next to Daryl. He's eating some eggs. Daryl and I had never really spoke before so I decided to start some conversation.
"What's it like to shoot a crossbow?" I ask, peering over at his crossbow. He looks at me and shrugs.
"Ain't nothin special. All about the technique." Daryl brings it up from the floor.
"Can I?" I ask. He nods. I take the heavy metal crossbow and make a motion as if I am going to shoot it. I dont though, considering there are human beings surrounding us.
"You have a good motion. C'mon." Daryl says, standing up. I stand up with him.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
Daryl points to the fence. "Out. Show you some real targets to practice on.

While the people are at the fence killing walkers, Daryl and I sneak out. He walks around the side of the prison.
There is a lone waller, straggling by the fence. Daryl pushes the walker back and impales it to the fence with his knife.
"Okay. So you gotta line the tip to where you want to shoot.  When you're ready, pull it back without letting go of the arrow." he talks me through it until I am ready. I line myself and the bow up with the walker and position myself. It's hard but I manage to pull the arrow back and shoot it.
I get it right in the eyes.
"That about does it, you're a natural" He says. I smile and look at him.
"Did you shoot professionally before this?" I ask. Daryl laughs.
"I aint ever seen no crossbow before this" He takes the arrow out of the walker and puts it back in his crossbow. He passes it to me again.
"This ones moving" he points to a walker which has its back to us. Daryl whistles, which attracts it. The walker runs for me. I point the crossbow and shoot. The arrow lands in the arm. My arm quivers and I get a shot in its abdomen. The walker is pretty close now, so I drop the crossbow and instead go with the technique I have always gone with. I pushed it down and stab it. Daryl picks up the crossbow.
"Always room for improvement" is what he says and then we head back inside.

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