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We arrive back at the prison well into the night. Rick sits by the fence on a chair, looking scared out of his mind. He jumps at the sight of us and opens the gate.
"Jesus Carl! Do you know how late you are?" He scolds. Carl explains why we were late.
Together we walk into the prison.

I want to make sure that Ron and Sissy get settled in for the night but I should see Hockey.

"Carl, Can you please show them to their cells...I'll be back in a few minutes" I tell him. Carl nods as I walk off to Hockey's cell.
"Y/n. What the hell took you so long" He scolds. I lean against his cell.
"We found survivors." I say. He smiles.
"That's great. When can I meet them?" He says enthusiasticly.
I frown.
"You already have Hockey. Me and Carl found Ron and Sissy in an abandoned house by the forest. Why did you lie to me?!" I say, angrily.
Hockey stands up, embarrased.
"I had to" He yells.
I roll my eyes. "What we have here, is a blessing. They were family- and you were okay to tell me they were dead and sit back smugly as nobody looked for them." I yell. My eyes tear up out of frusteration. Hockey's face goes red.
Hockey yells. I furrow my eyebrows. I resist the urge to yell.
"I looked for you everyday. Carl and I could have died while we were looking for you but we never battered an eyelash as to think we might die. It would be worth it. Because at least we would have tried!" a solitary tear drops from my eyes.
Hockey sighs. "You know how I feel about you Y/n. I love you and I wouldn't risk your life for Ron's or Sissy's combined. You would go out there everyday if you knew they were out there. Everyday. I WAS PROTECTING YOU!" he yells. This time I yell.
"YOU CAN'T PROTECT ME! YOU DON'T CALL THE SHOTS. THIS IS MY LIFE AND WHAT I DO IS MY CHOICE!" I yell back. I'm sure everyone in the prison can hear.
"But I won't stand by and watch you die. So I didn't. If your boyfriend Carl was half the man you think he is then he wouldn't either!" Hockey yells.
I slap him across the face.
"You don't know SHIT about Carl. To me you're only half the man Carl is. SO IF YOU THINK YOU'RE SO GODAMN GREAT THEN YOU WOULD KNOW HOW AMAZING HE IS. He puts me FIRST. As much as you think you do you DON'T. There is no US Hockey and there never will BE!" And with that I storm to my cell. I don't cry, it's just my face is all red and flustered.
I don't want anyone to see me like this.

I wake up with the voices of people around the block. I get dressed and put a jacket on. It's pretty cold. I make my way outiside and climb to the top of the gaurd tower. I see Carl, slumped down reading comics. I sit next to him and put my head on his shoulder.
"Hey Cowboy" I say. He smiles and brings me into a hug.
"How are you?" He says. I frown.
"Could be better. But I am happy I'm with you" I say. I look at him and give him a kiss.
"I love you" He says. He gives me butterflies.
"I love you too Cowboy" I say. "Shouldn't we actually work though?" I say. Carl chuckles.
"I like you so much more than working though" he sulks.
"c'mon" I say and we both stand up. Getting ready to work for the day.

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