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I have lied here awake by Carl's side for what feels like days. My face is numb and my tears have stopped rolling. My heartbeat was getting a little slower as I calmed down. That was, until Johno came back. Carl and I froze. Johno walked closer.
"Rosalie, few quick words?" Johno requested.
"I'm sendin you to your group as a messenger. You don't get the job done and your boy:" he makes a gun with his hand and pulls the trigger on his head. "He is gonskies"
He grabs my hair and yanks me up.
"Lets go." Johno orders. Carl stands up to attack Johno but Johno pulls out his gun.
"Not a muscle, mate" Johno says. I am shoved upstairs and out of the house. The cool breeze hits my cuts and I wince. Everything everywhere starts stinging.
"Ugg!" I yelp. "GET OFF OF ME" I scream. Nobody pays attention to me. Everyone is in on it.
How sick.

Johno pushes me out of the gates of his camp.
He smiles at me, waving goodbye.
"Fly fly away little birdie." he chuckles evily.
I look at the gates as they close around me. I look at my surroundings. I can only faintly recognise where I am. I've been past here with Hockey, Sissy and Ron. If I just keep walking I will pass the convenience store.

I don't know what to do, but I have no weapons, and I have to hurry before they do something to Carl.
I run.

My legs move fast, up the dirt trail. Soon the farm is out of distance. I can taste blood at the back of my throat and I have a growing stitch up the side of my ribs. Every single part of my body is pain filled. My stomach, my ribs and my face. I keep running though.
I'm not sure if its because I have gotten fitter with all the running that I do in a world like this or if its because of the adrenalin rush I have searing through me.
My feet thunder through the road, preying to whoever will listen that all goes smoothly and I don't encounter any walkers.
Its all thats going through my mind.
I stop and catch my breath. In front of me is Ron and Sissy's truck. I look around. I need a car. I don't have the faintest clue on how to drive, it shouldn't be too hard right?
I keep running until I see a car, its locked but I am able to hotwire it, just like picking a lock, Hockey taught me.
I sit in the seat, looking at all the buttons. I do as I've seen Hockey and Sissy and Ron do.

Press my foot on the pedal.
It slams down.
The car shoots forward.

My head smashes onto the windsheild.
"Gah!" I scream. I push down lightly and the car moves. I start driving down the road, passing the sign that reads,
"Steer clear Juliet"
I drive past the conveniance store and keep going until I see the pharmacy.
This is the only way I can remember.
I suck at directions.
I get out of the car, willingly abandoning it. I walk to the alley behind the pharmacy, grabbing the bag of ventilin and medical supplies. Then, after having a quick break, I run to the prison. I know its not far now.
I walk outside the fence, waving my hands in the air. I don't pay attention to anything except Glenn up in the gaurd tower.
"GLENN!" I shout. Waving my arms in the air. The walkers from the fence notice me and start coming at me. Daryl and Maggie run to the fence to open it.
"Kill them!" Maggie yells.
My heart drops. Shoot, I have no weapons.
"I have no weapons!" I yell. The walkers are closing in on me. I watch Daryl take off his crossbow and effortlessly throw it over the fence to me. I catch it and pull back the arrow. A walker lurches at me but before it can sink its teeth into me I shoot an arrow into its head. The gate opens and I run in, collapsing of exhaustion.
"Y/n! What the hell happened." Maggie yells."YOUR FACE" she panics. I drop the bag of ventilin and start running.
I need to find Rick.
Right now.

I run into Block A, ignoring the gasps. I spring into Ricks office. He has his head in his hands.
"Rick!" I yell. Rick jolts up.
"Y/n! Where the hell did you and Carl go!" He yells.
I shake my head. I am in a rush to tell him. We are running out of time.
"Long story short, we went on a run and we got kidnapped and tortured. They say they want you to come to them asap, or they will KILL Carl!!!!!!!"I say, all in one breath.
"YOUR FACE????" Rick yells, trembling.
"This guy, his name Is Johno. He tortured me!!!" I yell.
"Go to Hershel, he can help. I need to go think out a plan. Y/n, you know what this means right?" Rick says.
I look him in the eyes and nod.
I know exactly what this means.

This means war.

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