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I squirm in the thick muscly arms, I can feel my heart, faster than its ever been before.
I feel my arms be tied back with rope and my mouth have a gag put over it. They do the same to Carl.
My breaths are short due to the gag, I try to wriggle out of the mans grip but I can't.
Then, with no intention to be gentle, Carl and I are thrown into the boot of a car.

The car jolts up and down as the motor starts, I panic.
I can't see Carl but I know he is panicking as well.
I look around, small bits of light are shooting in from bullet holes to the boot.
I look at the rugged nails breaking through the rim of the bottom of the boot.
I shouldn't move, or this could be very painful.
I don't know how nails were hammered into the trunk of the car but I do know that I am going to use them to my advantage.
I lean over, not by much though. I go so close to the nail that I can smell the rust. Then, I catch the gag on the nail. If the car were to jolt up, I would get a nail impaled in my chin.

The fabric of the gag gets hooked on the nail, then slowly I pull my head up, this takes the gag off my head. I unhook the gag.
I gasp.
"I did it!" I say. Carl looks at me with a worried face. I look back at him.
"Turn around" I say. He turns around.
Then without hesitation I begin un-knotting the knot around his wrists with my teeth. It's a big knot but I manage to take It out.
"There!" I say, feeling accomplished. I know this doesn't really mean anything, considering we are still in the trunk of a really beat up car.
Carl uses his hands to take the gag off, then he unties the rope around my wrists. It feels good to have them free.
I am about to give him a big hug when the car haults to a stop.
I hear footsteps and voices outside the car.
I say the only thing that comes into mind.
"Play dead" I whisper. We could use the fact that we aren't tied up to our advantage.
Carl nods and lies down. We hear the boot door open. A cool breeze rushes in. A man wraps his arm around my waist and I jolt up, Punching him in the face. He shuffles back. The other men pounce on me. I am taken by the arms and dragged away before I can see Carl. Hopefully I bought him enough time to run.
I am taken by the men, into a farm. It has a high gate around it.
Inside there is a big farm house and four big sheds. Four men and women sit at a picnic table eating small meals. They don't even notice me being carried into the farm house.
I get dragged underneath it and into a basement.
They finally let go of me.
"Sit there" One of the men point to a chair.
I turn around and punch the man in the throat. The other comes at me and tries to catch me but I knee him in his manhood.
I bolt up the stairs and out of the house. I look around for Carl.
He is being carried by more men to the house. I can't take them all on, but I will try.
The man I punched comes running out screaming.
"She's out!!! She's escaped."

I gulp. I am about to start running again when I feel a gun be pressed against my head.
"Now, Now Honey. Don't wanna hurt yourself do ya? Come along with me." He says. Then he whistles. Men come and carry me to the basement.
I get tied to the chair. Soon after Carl does too.
One man stays in the basement and the rest leave. It's the man who pointed a gun at my head.
"Now kids," He says."My name is Johno. What are yours?" He asks. He points to me.
"Mrs. Feisty, whats your name?" He says.
"Rosalie" I lie.
He smiles.
"Well Rosalie. How damn fine it is to meet you" He smiles, then points to Carl.
"Now heres a good boy, I mean, he hasn't right hooked any'a my men yet huh?" Johno chuckles. He looks at me. "But that's okay darlin. You're not too special to us... do anything and we shoot ya" He says to me, putting his face closer to mine. I can't help myself but want to spit on his ugly face.
"So boy, whats ya' name?" Johno laughs.
"Dan" Carl lies.
Carls voice is confident and brave.
"Well. Dan and Rosalie, I got bad news for you. You ain't in no heaven. In fact, this ought'a be hell. We sure as hell don't think you should take our word on that, so we will let you taste some eh?" The man says. He pulls a scalpel from a small tray.
"How bout I ruin your pretty little face?" He looks at me. I say nothing.
He presses the scalpel on my cheek and drags it down. Blood trickles down my cheek. It hurts so bad. He does the same to my forehead. I close my eyes. Blinding rage fills me. Hot burning pain sears through my face. Tears prickle my eyes. I start sulking. Carl looks at Johno, angry as hell.
"STOP IT" He yells, but Johno keeps going.
I hear Carl protest, struggling to stop Johno.
I feel as if I am going to faint. Johno drops the scalpel and walks to Carl.
"This is what your girlfriend here did to two of my men, Mr. Dan" Johno cackles. He looks at Carl and then throws his fist at Carls face. Carls head snaps back. His face goes paler and his lip behind to bleed. I can already see the bruises. Johno laughs. I start crying.
"Okay now that we got our torture done. Hows about I tell ya the plan" Johno goes into serious mode.
"Tonight I let ya rest in peace but...tomorrow morning Rosalie dear is going to march down to that prison you live at and yes I know all about it. Rosalie is going to tell ya leader to come to me.
We're gonna have a nice old chat about how him and his group need to get the hell outta that prison. We want it, and were gonna get it, or, you two die"
Johno unties me and Carl. I slump to the ground. Johno leaves the basement and locks the door.
I look at Carl. He doesn't look well. I slowly walk to him.
I help him out of his chair and onto a lounge in the corner of the basement.
"Lie down" I say. He does so. I take a look at his face. I notice in the tray that Johno took the scalpel out of is filled with small rags and some alcohol. Wisely, Johno took the scalpel with him. I get a rag and dab it with the alchohol. I start wiping his cuts.
"Y/n. It was so hard to watch you get cut." he whispers. I smile at him. The blood has clot but it still hurts like hell.
"Hey, sh, now is about you okay? How do you feel?" I whisper.
"Fine." He replies.
I lie down next to him and try to sleep.
I can't though.

Why would I?

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