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Looking for a Miracle
A New Path

The tall building stood before me: large, tall, and pristine. My grip on my bag was tight in one hand and, with the other, I smoothed down my skirt.

Katayama Academy.

It was just as large as Teiko, and just as beautiful. A lump formed momentarily in my throat when I spotted many similarities between this school and my own one, but that cleared quickly when I noticed so many differences that it made it absurd to compare the two schools in the first place.

Of course there'd be similarities, there were with every school. Teiko wasn't unique, and neither was Katayama.

Other girls were all around the place, newcomers either desperately waiting for friends or walking in alone. Representatives from every club stood by the entrance, shouting out club names and cornering people to try and bring in new recruits. The second and third years hung around the outside, laughing and catching up with one another.

This was nothing unfamiliar. I had seen this same scene for so many years that I was now unfazed by it.

It was just another school - I'd make friends quickly, I knew, just like I'd quickly made friends with Momoi. This move to high school wasn't going to turn my life upside down - for me, it was just a fresh start.

I hadn't seen Akashi, or anyone else, for the entire of break. I hadn't even sent text messages, nor had I received any. It was like we all had agreed to not keep in contact, that it should be left in Teiko only.

They were now opponents to each other. And I was no longer needed.

The loss of contact hardly bothered me. If I did, it would only leave me to linger on the past, and I couldn't do that.

Looking back wouldn't get me anywhere - only moving forward would.

With that, I squared my shoulders, adjusted my skirt, and walked through the gates.

I ignored all calls for clubs, and instead made my way to my classroom. I wasn't particularly interested in any clubs at the moment - I had lost my interest in basketball, and nothing else had grabbed my attention. I'd look at all clubs in detail later though, not in that crowd.

Though the school was big, it was laid out and labelled clearly, so I had no trouble finding 1-C. I didn't even pause as I entered the classroom.

The room was virtually empty - then again, most of the girls were outside, signing up for clubs. There were five others in the room; four were in a tight knit group, and the other was sitting on her own by the window.

I made my way to the seat next to her. As I placed my bag down, the girl turned to me. Her frizzy light brown hair was tied back into a ponytail, a few loose strands sweeping across her

"Hi," I greeted, smiling. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Of course not!" she exclaimed, and I bounded into my seat. "I'm Koizumi Asami. Who are you?"

"I'm Hirai Akane. It's a pleasure to meet you, Asami-san."

"Please, just call me Asami."

Asami grinned, we shook hands, and then the two of us launched into a conversation as the rest of our class filed in. But the time our teacher arrived, I knew the two of us were going to be close friends.

In life, there were many ups and downs, and you never knew which direction it was going to take you next. I'd gone through a long period of low, but now I could see things starting to brighten itself.

I'd never forget my love for Sei, but I wasn't guy got to linger on it, either.

I was going to walk forward with my chin held high, knowing that whatever happened, I'd push through it.

There was nothing else to do.



so this is the conclusion of lfam! the teiko arc is such a rollercoaster of feels....

until then, thank you so much for all your support throughout this story, it means so much you have no idea!!

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