22. Fractures

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Looking for a Miracle
Chapter Twenty Two

The beginning of Nationals was actually a little scary.

We had barely entered the venue when we were swarmed by reporters, all clambering to get stories from the entire team. Everyone was questioned, including Momoi and myself. It was overwhelming, and I found I stammered when I spoke all my answers. 

Sei, of course, handled the situation perfectly and gave model answers. It was a relief when it was known we'd miss the first game if the reporters kept at us for much longer, and we were able to make it to the gym thankfully still in one piece for the game.

The first round of games could've gone better, but they also could have been a lot worse.

Everyone knew the culprit, though: it was pressure.

The stadium was packed, even if it was only the first game. Everyone had come to see the Generation of Miracles play, and they had high expectations on them. A close margin was not allowed, and a loss definitely wasn't. Everyone expected a goal difference in the double digits - anything less was a let down.

I could tell everyone felt it. They were all spaced out, distant, not fully paying attention. Kuroko was paler than usual. Kise's leg kept shaking even as he remained seated. Aomine drummed his fingers against the bench, eyes flicking around the crowded audience. Midorima was triple-checking the taping to his hand and making sure his lucky item for the day was still in good condition every five seconds. Murasakibara wasn't eating, and didn't even show a desire to eat. Sei remained still, but I could see his

"Hey," I murmured, coming to his side and taking his hand. "You'll be fine. You know how strong everyone is... You have faith in them, right?"

He nodded, the action rather jerky. "Right."

"There's no need to worry. You'll win, I can guarantee it." I gave him a quick hug before Shirogane called for attention, and I sent a thumbs-up to the others as I passed before taking my position beside Momoi.

Originally things were going to be kept to the usual one man anger per game but, upon request, or was agreed that both Momoi and I could be present on the bench at the same time.

Soon after that the players walked out on to court, and the game commenced.

From the beginning, everyone was aware something was off. Movements and combinations weren't working fluidly, silly little mistakes were made, and things felt force. I bit my lip, knowing that nerves and pressure were building up and taking over.

Despite the uncommon amount of errors, everyone still proved how strong they were, making up for mistakes with intercepts and scoring consistent threes, thanks to Midorima. When the final whistle sounded, the score was 78-59.

It was a more than respectable margin. I grinned and gave high-fives to everyone as they came off court, looking like the weight of the world had just been lifted from their shoulders. They were all tired and puffed out, more than they should've been.

Stress and pressure really has a negative affect, I noted worriedly, as I hurried to hand out everyone's drink bottles and gave them hugs in turn, not caring they were sweaty. When I reached Sei I held on to him for a little longer, and I felt him relax into me.

I knew he'd never admit it, but as captain, he had definitely felt the most pressured out there. I squeezed his hand when I let go before I was called somewhere else, to let him know everything was okay.

It was unfair, how everyone put my friends under such strain. The five might be geniuses, but they were still middle school students, for crying out loud! I wished people would remember that and not put them under such enormous pressure.

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