13. Welcome

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Looking for a Miracle
Chapter Thirteen

The following day, the day of Kuroko's trial, arrived quickly. I wandered into the gym with Momoi, the two of us talking in earnest about the biology test our year had sat that day, going over questions and answers. I felt rather confident with my results, and it sounded like Momoi had done really well also. It was weird to admit I had actually enjoyed a test, but the topic we'd covered had been so interesting that I'd studied hard for it; having an easy test made things a bit more enjoyable, I supposed.

We barely entered the gym before Sei called me over. I sent one last smile Momoi's way before she left to help out with manager business, and I hurried over to my friend. "What is it, Sei?"

"Akane, can I request something?"

"Of course. Anything."

"Would you mind coming to Kuroko's trial?" he asked. "Having a familiar face there might put him at ease, and we can't let Aomine abandon practice to watch a game."

My heart soared. I had instantly presumed that I would have missed Kuroko's performance, since I held no leadership position within the team. To think I would be there to support him made me smile.

"Sure," I exclaimed at once. "I'm curious about his play style, too." Aomine and I hadn't been able to figure much of Kuroko's new style out, though we'd noticed he'd started to observe people more and more often, and with greater attention. Somehow, he was becoming even harder to spot as well. He was often the one who had to alert me to his presence before I'd notice him in the school halls.

"That's good." He checked the time. "The trial will be starting shortly, so we should leave."

The two of us left the gym, with me calling a quick goodbye to Momoi before I disappeared; everyone had been caught up with practice and wouldn't have noticed. Side by side, Sei and I made our way toward the second string gym, where the match would take place. I couldn't stop grinning. Kuroko could be joining us after today. My circle of friends really would be fully brought together if that happened.

The squeak of gym shoes and dull thuds of basketball hitting the floor met my ears when I stepped into the building. I frowned as I was met with the sight of many heads, and tried to scan them for Kuroko. It was just as bad as the school corridors.

Even with his lack of presence Kuroko wasn't entirely invisible, and I was eventually able to spot his mop of light blue hair. "Kuroko!" I yelled, jogging toward him.

Kuroko looked up from where he'd been adjusting his number bib and smiled. "Akane-san. Hello."

I grinned. "Are you ready for this?"

"Yes." To my surprise, Kuroko didn't sound nervous at all. If he was, he was masking it very well; he looked just as calm as always to me. And why shouldn't he be? He's practiced so much. He'll definitely do this.

I gave him a thumbs-up. "You're going to blow everyone's socks off," I said earnestly. "I know you'll do great."

He smiled. "Thank you."

"Excuse me Akane, can I talk to Kuroko for a minute?"

I looked over my shoulder to see Sei had approached. I nodded once. "Of course, Sei." Before I left, I pulled Kuroko into a quick hug. "Good luck, Kuroko! Though you won't need it. I know you can do it."

I found Nijimura standing by the edge of the building. Knowing that Sei would probably end up standing beside him as the vice-captain, I ambled over to him. "Hello," I said, and fiddled with my hair. I hadn't interacted with Nijimura on my own too often, but I did immensely respect him.

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