06. Study Session

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Looking for a Miracle
Chapter Six
Study Session

I paced around my room, counting my checklist off my fingers.

Whiteboard? I looked at the whiteboard just beside the table, there in case of emergencies. Check. Whiteboard markers that work? I tested each marker, satisfied when each one produced a bright, solid colour. Check.

My gaze turned to the table. Spare paper, pens, and highlighters? Check. Plentiful snacks? Check, and more in the pantry if they're needed.

I raked my hands through my hair and chewed on my lower lip. I think it's everything... I surveyed the room as though that would suddenly make me realise if I was missing anything.

My parents had been a little caught off-guard when I told them that four basketball players and Momoi were coming over my house to study, in preparation for the tests that would decide if the players got to participate in the upcoming championship games. But they'd agreed, and told me that I could use the dining room, and promised to stay out of the way while we studied.

I'd spent the morning preparing - which mostly involved going down to the shops and buying so many sweets and junk food that the cashier had given my a baffled look, which I'd just shrugged off. It had been an expensive purchase. Not only did I have to account for Murasakibara's unnaturally huge appetite, I had to accommodate for the other three boys and Momoi as well. I knew Aomine liked to eat a lot, and though Sei, Midorima and Momoi didn't have large appetites, they'd probably want to eat something during the time.

Next time, I'd thought as I lugged the three bags worth of sweets home, I'm making it that you have to bring your own snacks. I'm not spending this much just on junk food again.

The doorbell sounded, dragging me from my thoughts. "I got it!" I yelled to Mum and Dad, already beginning to run toward the door.

When I opened it and saw the familiar red-haired figure in front of me, I laughed and shook my head. "I'm not surprised you're first, Sei."

The corners of my friend's mouth tilted upward. "Where are we studying?"

"The dining room. But we might as well wait for the others to arrive, or we'll be distracted by the doorbell constantly..." I didn't want to have constantly get out of my seat and lose my place on the page.

He nodded. "Fair point."

I shifted weight uneasily from foot to foot. Sei had never been over to my house before; it had always been me who went over to his (thanks to our parents' countless business meetings). We'd only ever played basketball at his house; somehow, we never got around to do simple things like watching movies or just sitting in the bedroom and talking. From the moment we'd met, it had been basketball. 

What did that leave us to do? 

"Do you want anything to drink?" I blurted eventually. "I've just been to the shops and bought lemonade... if you want, that is! There are also juices and other stuff..."

I hadn't been sure which drink would have been everyone's preference, so I bought a whole variety. I'd guessed that Murasakibara would probably prefer soft drink over anything else, so I'd bought lemonade and creaming soda. I also had a variety of juices and milk for milkshakes.

"Water will be fine," he told me.

I showed him to the kitchen and we stayed there, me chatting and trying to keep things interesting while Sei smiled, sipping at his water and chiming in occasionally. I soon felt my body loosen up as I relaxed. What was I nervous about to begin with, anyway? It was just Sei. We talked often at school, it wasn't like we only saw each other when I went to his house. 

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